There are many psy-ops going on now. This person has some good points, yet also makes "straw man" fallacies, too ( @CDuBois points out some of them). And this movie took many years to finally be released (the actual events took place in 2014, and the talk of doing this movie started in 2015). Why is it released now??
There are certainly questions that should be asked and answered. We just may not know the answers for awhile. #trustGod
I didn't know that this was where I was going to end up when I started writing tonight. I hope you found it worthy of reading. May God's grace and mercy be up on you - may it be upon us all. #trustGod
Just trying to remind each other of it, help each other, encourage each other to love and good works.
#trustGod #deepbreath #Heknows #aboutitall
#trustGod #deepbreath #Heknows #aboutitall
This is revealing an example of how "the powers that be" are really playing both sides, and at the same time dividing us into camps - pro-Ukraine/pro-Russia.
It's all a distraction.
It's all a psy-op.
It's all for our destruction.
See it for what it is, and #trustGod only.
Thank you for sharing that tweet.
I've lived my whole life knowing what is said in Matthew 24:21. Finding out about the holodomor (with the sharing of the possibility of why we weren't taught about it in school), well, that verse in Matthew 24 makes even more sense than I ever thought it would. "Hold on" is right. Or as I like to say, #trustGod.
Very true. Which is why I try to always end my posts with #trustGod. I was taught by Proverbs not to turn to the right or the left, nor to trust in man, princes, nor companies of people ("hand joined in hand"). I'm thankful for those who open my eyes to various points of view and different things that are going on, but I can't (and shouldn't) get hung up on any of them.
But the things God taught me through this time, to trust Him alone, are things I hope I remember for the rest of my life. The craziness of this time -- well, it's such a repeat of what I went through all those years ago: Believing lies, and finally getting to the truth, when extended family think that THEY have all the truth. LOL! That rodeo was NOT fun! and neither is this one. But it's the same ol' same ol'.
How I hope these families get some relief, some truth. And may we all #trustGod.
Dave Cullen's assessment of Pres. Trump mirrors my own. We should have always had our trust in God, not in any man or prince. And the things that have been revealed since his emergence, time in office, and afterwards, show much. #trustGod
It may be important. But what has happened since then, and what is going on now -- all the revealings that are going on -- show that things are coming to a head. It's not about "left" or "right," "Dem" or "Rep," but about good and evil, blessings and curses -- what it's been about since the beginning of time. There is nothing new under the sun, and God will bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil. #trustGod
He's never been my favorite, either. My last favorite was Sanford. He did so much good for the state! I was sitting at my desk on a Friday about to send him an email to encourage him to keep up the good work. I never got around to finishing it though.
As it happened, that was the Friday before the infamous Father's Day Sunday when he went "walkabout" on his family.
I don't plan on writing, or trusting, any more politicians. #trustGod