🗳 SCVO members: your vote counts!
Have you voted in our trustee elections yet? There are a record number of candidates to choose from this year. Just 7 HOURS left to vote here 👉🏽 https://bddy.me/3Vi0SRa
Vote closes 5pm tonight!!
#charitytrustee #trusteeelections
🗳 SCVO members: your vote counts!
Have you voted in our trustee elections yet? There are a record number of candidates to choose from this year. Just a day left to vote here 👉🏽 https://bddy.me/3VowLrm
Vote closes 5pm 30 Nov
#charitytrustee #trusteeelections
🗳 SCVO members: your vote counts!
Have you voted in our trustee elections yet? There are a record number of candidates to choose from this year. All the details on them and how to vote here 👉🏽 https://bddy.me/3u2z9b8
Vote closes 5pm 30 Nov
#charitytrustee #trusteeelections
🗳 SCVO members: your vote counts!
Have you voted in our trustee elections yet? There are a record number of candidates to choose from this year. All the details on them and how to vote here 👉🏽 https://bddy.me/3Xu7cXc
Vote closes 5pm 30 Nov
#charitytrustee #trusteeelections