I am skeptical when it comes to #Xmas emails from the C-suite but then I started to read @franzbonf@twitter.com recapitulation of the confusing situation (my term) at #GaiaX when he started 22 months ago and his assessment of what we have achieved by today.
I fully agree that the #TrustFramework ("regulation by automation") is at the heart of #GaiaX. We have the 8 lighthouse projects with working demonstrators (#EuProGigant, #mobilityDS,...) for a completely new way of thinking and creating a global #DataEconomy.
Not thru #data #platforms (y'know what they do to #sovereignty & free speech) b/c "value chains and the data economy are by definition borderless" and they certainly won't settle on a single platform (just talk to @CATENAX_AutoNet)
"2023 will not be about moving a bit ahead but exponentially growing" #GaiaX. We had ca. 300 services this November from 0 a year ago.
True to a cooperation game, "there cannot be multiple winners in this game - we can only win all together!"
#Xmas #gaiax #trustframework #euprogigant #mobilityds #dataeconomy #data #platforms #sovereignty
MEXC and Coinbase Reach Partnership to Jointly Fulfil the Privacy and Security Obligations of Cryptocurrency Under the TRUST Framework - PRESS RELEASE. On October 31st, the cryptocurrency trading platform MEXC announced... - https://news.bitcoin.com/mexc-and-coinbase-reach-partnership-to-jointly-fulfil-the-privacy-and-security-obligations-of-cryptocurrency-under-the-trust-framework/ #trustframework #pressrelease #coinbase #mexc
#mexc #coinbase #pressrelease #trustframework