🤓 #Dash $Dash 💙
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Comincia da qui: https://www.dash.org/it/
#dash #crypto #p2p #trustless #Masternodes #Proposals #Chainlocks #nearzerofees #instantsend #privatesend #dao #distributed #vote #platform #evolution #dashpay #mining
"... the question I would ask with all of these protocols is, “Can we make a great experience for users?” And I worry sometimes that people take this leap... well, there’s something out there that we haven’t been able to trust. And so the answer is a system where you just don’t have to trust anybody. You can only trust in yourself. And I actually think probably a better answer is not a trustless system. A better answer is to have a platform you can trust."
News: We passed our second #milestone review with @dfinity, which releases the next $10K of our development grant. #BUIDLing the #trustless #decentralized #Factchecking #community the Internet needs. https://factland.org https://discord.gg/6HBxBBBK Check us out.
#milestone #buidling #trustless #decentralized #factchecking #community
@shauna @SeaGL @ronent Especially for FLOSS communities built on authenticity, trust and attribution (familiarity with individual humans). Blockchain seems to make things #trustless, #anonymous and #robotic.
#robotic #Anonymous #trustless
Salut, this is my first post on Mastodon. Interested in creating trustless systems that can make today's organizations more efficient without putting too much trust on anyone. My passion is to eventually be a part in the creation of a world that's provides dignity of human life and equal opportunity to everyone regardless of their background.
#introduction #blockchain #dao #trustless #dignity #tech #linux #foss #opensource
#introduction #blockchain #dao #trustless #dignity #tech #linux #foss #opensource
Do you love #crypto ? Now is the time to get out there and speak up.
#CEXs, crypto bankers, #VC investors, #WallStreet speculators DO NOT represent us!
WE are crypto!
#nexus #Decentralization #decentralization resistance, #btc , #immutability, #trustless #defi #dao #security #web3
#crypto #CEXs #vc #wallstreet #Nexus #decentralization #btc #Immutability #trustless #defi #dao #security #web3
RT @harmony_dev_dao@twitter.com
@EddNorris@twitter.com will be hosting @TrustlessTeam@twitter.com’s #TrustlessTalk on the @Harmony_Dev_DAO@twitter.com acct to talk about @EnterTheStrudel@twitter.com‘s work to create a #Trustless Bridge on #HarmonyONE!
Set a reminder & check out their talk.Harmony post (attached below) #HarmonyONE $ONE
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/harmony_dev_dao/status/1549155612453249025
#TrustlessTalk #trustless #HarmonyONE
Ah, già ci sono i #PoS (proof of stake), in cui le #criptovalute #trustless affidano la decisione di chi possiede cosa (il global ledger) a chi è più ricco.
Una plutocrazia. Trustless.
E poi ci sono le blockchain "permissioned"... che contraddicono l'intera retorica della #blockchain ma va bene che tanto nessuno la capisce comunque! 🤣
E sono sicuro che dimentico qualcosa... il #Web3? o magari #FileCoin? o #Holochain?
O forse la più bella di tutte, #PonziCoin!
ESISTE DAVVERO! https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ponzicoin/
Comunque Filippo sei libero di giudicarci come credi.
Io il mio giudizio (che è un po' più complesso del "Wikileak Mozilla e Wikipedia sono tutti truffatori") l'ho già espresso qui https://qoto.org/web/statuses/108234816649315750 e qui https://qoto.org/web/statuses/108236953938498235 (e del resto già lo conosci).
@valhalla @italianverse@mastodon.uno @informapirata
#pos #criptovalute #blockchain #trustless #web3 #filecoin #holochain #PonziCoin
RT @tdexnetwork
Trustless #Bitcoin peg-ins into @Liquid_BTC network are now accessible to all. #trustless #open #unstoppable as all things should be 🔥🔥 https://tdex.network/trustless-bitcoin-peg-in-now-live-on-tdex-app/
#unstoppable #open #trustless #bitcoin
RT @tdexnetwork@twitter.com
Trustless #Bitcoin peg-ins into @Liquid_BTC@twitter.com network are now accessible to all. #trustless #open #unstoppable as all things should be 🔥🔥 https://tdex.network/trustless-bitcoin-peg-in-now-live-on-tdex-app/
#bitcoin #trustless #open #unstoppable
RT @itchysats
We have a surprise for you: https://www.itchysats.network/
#Trustless #Lending for #Bitcoin on @Liquid_BTC
If constant #travel is required for #bankers to maintain #trust, is that travel added to the #carbonFootprint of the #banking sector, or is it simply attributed to the rather amorphous #travelSector?
Meanwhile #bitcoin is #trustless, you don't need to travel and build seedy relationships to maintain it.
#travelIndustry #airTravel #sustainability #greenBitcoin #bitcoinHeaters #openHardwareNow
#travel #bankers #trust #carbonfootprint #banking #travelSector #bitcoin #trustless #travelindustry #airTravel #sustainability #greenBitcoin #bitcoinHeaters #OpenHardwareNow
Thanks for sharing.
A #trustless computing association sounds like something that is sorely needed.
We may take a look in coming days and see if any contradictions pop out.
"Trustless", as it relates to crypto, is a social trust, its just distilled to a single word for brevity.
For example the bitcoiner doesn't need to trust a single point because those can fail for any reason, not just malevolence. So there's a big community working together to use simple #mathematics to maintain that part of the social fabric that is the #ledger.
Things a community value together form part of a common social fabric.
#mathematics #ledger #trustless #cryptocurrencies #socialTrust
Requires trusting #Google, but okay.
We say, "Try again, Google".
#google #trust #antitrust #trustless
(2/4)… It can be switched off so #DNS is handled at the OS-level. As such, we are calling for a #trustless #DoH, which involves using lists of independent #resolvers (there's a list at the github/curl page). A few arbitrary resolvers would be chosen for each DNS request, with the returned values cross-checked. If there's a discrepancy a new request is made with a several resolvers. Again this would ideally be done at OS level. The beauty of DoH over #DoT…(2/4)
#dns #trustless #doh #resolvers #dot
If he was on Fedi we'd pick his brain on how to hack #DNSOverHttps so it is more #trustless and not dependent on a central resolver.
We haven't been able to find a definative resource/solution to this problem yet.
The signing and #HTTPS is another very good point, yes. And justification for moving to the New Internet.
The #legacyInternet requires trust in third parties known as #certificateAuthorities. The 'NewInternet' does not require this #trust.
The New Internet is quite vibrant and seems to be always growing. It needs to be the future - and thus will be.
#https #legacyInternet #certificateAuthorities #trust #trustless #censorshipResistant #censorship
What do you think about #DNSOverHTTPS?
We're of the opinion that its not for a child's computer, maybe not for some adults either. As it does take away some of the low level surveillance that might be needed.
We're looking for a more #trustless DNS over HTTPS implementation. One that has the capability to send a #DNS request to multiple #random servers (default 3).
Does such an implementation exist?
#dnsoverhttps #trustless #dns #random
Does anyone know the year #Vimeo rolled over to #Google, denying access to content unless a user accepts Google scripts?
We feel its important to at least know the year the #legacyInternet was #castrated.
#torservice #newnet #i2p #webdev #censorshipResistant #trustless #bitcoin #newnormal #internetsecurity #privacy #video #luxuryOfVideo #deleteGoogle #deGoogle #cloucPlare #cloucflare #youtube #monopoly #deleteYoutube #sillyconValley #siliconvalley #deleteSiliconvalley
#vimeo #google #legacyInternet #castrated #torservice #newnet #i2p #webdev #censorshipResistant #trustless #bitcoin #newnormal #internetsecurity #privacy #video #luxuryOfVideo #deletegoogle #degoogle #CloucPlare #Cloucflare #youtube #monopoly #deleteyoutube #sillyconvalley #siliconvalley #deleteSiliconvalley