One thing about me is I often call out large tech companies before they pull the trigger on bs.
Prediction, X-A.I will feed itself information based on tweets and user feedback and responses, don’t think Elon will do such a thing?
Wanna bet?
If you disagree with me and am right you will owe me a free Starbucks coffee to my address fyi 🤣
Just wait.
#technightmares #opensource #corporateagenda #trustmebro #elonsucks #prediction #techforecast #dataismoney #dataispower
La technologie de stockage géologique de CO2 est opérationnelle dans les secteurs pétroliers et gaziers. Elle est utilisée notamment pour de la récupération assistée de pétrole.
Nous avons besoin de la développer dans les secteurs de l'énergie, de la chimie et du bâtiment.
La technologie est assez couteuse, aujourd'hui autour de 100$/tonne C02 (source: #TrustMeBro comme dirait mon collègue Mickael, ou alors IPCC WGIII SPM)
#FediblockWithProof - an issue many people have with the present tag is the vague lists, and wild baseless accusations. This is the tag for when you've brought actual proof to the table beyond #TrustMeBro.
While literally nobody owns or has authority over a hashtag, my advice when dealing with people who misuse this one is to silently block/mute. Don't call out, don't confront. Just block and move on with your life.
#fediblockwithproof #trustmebro
@Paoblog @mastodon
IMHO non sono solo gli utenti a rendere accogliente un posto, è l'assenza di algoritmi basati sul boost/like + il principio della finestra rotta. Reddit ha utenti che normalmente sono una spanna sopra ad altri social per cultura ma come tossicità (anche se inizialmente non sembra) è superiore a fb
Se tutti si comportano educatamente come a casa e i flame non vengono agevolati da algoritmi l'ambiente rimane accogliente
If you like crime and/or enjoy being on lists, retoot this!
#NotTheFBI #TrustMeBro 🕵️