On the more specific topic of forced birth, I also have this earlier (2009) piece, "I am not Pro-Slavery. Are you?"
#Politics #abortion #Ethics #Morality #ForcedBirth #Slavery #Language #TrustWomen
#politics #abortion #ethics #morality #forcedbirth #slavery #language #trustwomen
I like this insight, trying to put these individual issues into a more organized picture. I think Journalism needs to do more of this. Too much we cover each action and indignity as if it were some surprise, isolated, modular incident that is unrelated to all others. In doing so, we don't get the big picture. There is a LOT of that going on these days.
This work also resonates with an essay I wrote in 2012, "Language Defines Our Lives". It had gone offline when Salon magazine's Open Salon forum was retired, but it's available via the magic of the Internet Archive. I think you'll find it interesting and relevant.
#Language #Politics #oppression #TrustWomen #abortion #ForcedBirth #Life
#language #politics #oppression #trustwomen #abortion #forcedbirth #life
Texas 'health care' law
stinks of shameful death panels,
sans panels. Just death.
#Haiku #Senryu #Poem
#HealthCare #Abortion #AbortionIsHealthCare #ProChoice #FamilyPlanning #TrustWomen #Patriarchy
#haiku #senryu #poem #healthcare #abortion #AbortionIsHealthcare #prochoice #familyPlanning #trustwomen #patriarchy
I just watched #KellyCorrigan interview #CecileRichards on #PBS (I bought PBS PASSPORT) & I was inspired. If youโre in the need of a shot of feel good & hope-I recommend.
Cecile is my new: if I could have dinner w anyone, who would it be.
#abortion #activism #JustDoTheNextRightThing #DoSomething #DropLablesAndGetToKnowPeople #TRUSTWOMEN #GrassrootsDemocracy
#kellycorrigan #cecilerichards #pbs #abortion #activism #justdothenextrightthing #dosomething #droplablesandgettoknowpeople #trustwomen #grassrootsdemocracy
So saddened to hear the new item about women in #Afghanistan being denied university education but the #Taliban
So much for not being as restrictive as previous.
Scared inadequate men oppressing women who are already second class citizens.
#Equality #EqualRights #TrustWomen
#trustwomen #equalrights #equality #taliban #afghanistan
RT @stellacreasy@twitter.com
If you think we donโt need to codify in law that women have a human right to choose to have an abortion, Jacob rees-mogg just argued against women who are victims of rape or incest having a right to have one.
Women deserve equal rights. Whoever is in government.
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/stellacreasy/status/1597298354085679104
RT @stellacreasy@twitter.com
If you think we donโt need to codify in law that women have a human right to choose to have an abortion, Jacob rees-mogg just argued against women who are victims of rape or incest having a right to have one.
Women deserve equal rights. Whoever is in government.
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/stellacreasy/status/1597298354085679104
Jacob Rees-Mogg brands a woman's right to choose "a cult of death"
RT @stellacreasy@twitter.com
If you think we donโt need to codify in law that women have a human right to choose to have an abortion, Jacob rees-mogg just argued against women who are victims of rape or incest having a right to have one.
Women deserve equal rights. Whoever is in government.
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/stellacreasy/status/1597298354085679104
RT @stellacreasy@twitter.com
If you think we donโt need to codify in law that women have a human right to choose to have an abortion, Jacob rees-mogg just argued against women who are victims of rape or incest having a right to have one.
Women deserve equal rights. Whoever is in government.
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/stellacreasy/status/1597298354085679104
I know this isn't a hot take but regulate GUNS, not women's bodies.
#enough #trustwomen #abortionishealthcare #momsdemandaction
I know this isn't a hot take but regulate GUNS, not women's bodies.
#enough #trustwomen #abortionishealthcare #momsdemandaction
Moralising about food choices sucks, sucks, sucks.
Calories are not immoral. Carbs are an important food. Eating for pleasure isn't shameful.
Your body deserves nourishment. Your body deserves pleasure.
It's your body. You probably know what's best for it.
#bodilyautomomy #intuitiveeating #pleasure #feminism #dietculture #sexpositive #bodyneutrality #trustwomen #dietsdontwork
#dietsdontwork #trustwomen #BodyNeutrality #sexpositive #dietculture #feminism #pleasure #intuitiveeating #bodilyautomomy
Moralising about food choices sucks, sucks, sucks.
Calories are not immoral. Carbs are an important food. Eating for pleasure isn't shameful.
Your body deserves nourishment. Your body deserves pleasure.
It's your body. You probably know what's best for it.
#bodilyautomomy #intuitiveeating #pleasure #feminism #dietculture #sexpositive #bodyneutrality #trustwomen #dietsdontwork
#dietsdontwork #trustwomen #BodyNeutrality #sexpositive #dietculture #feminism #pleasure #intuitiveeating #bodilyautomomy
Sign if you agree:
#USCongress can stop the abortion bans
via @CREDOMobile #trustwomen #resist #Politics #USofA
#uscongress #trustwomen #resist #politics #usofa