I was looking at arm microcontrollers for a project at work recently. This is not something I have done in a while. Some of the newer ones have features like page protection and secure enclave support that I’ve never seen at that level before. Seems like progress. #microcontroller #trustzone #iot
#iot #microcontroller #trustzone
@ellenor I don’t need high performance so I use ~15 y.o. hardware that pre-dates the spy chips. But still my hardware was not targeted by #coreboot / #libreboot, so my firmware is non-free. I also have some newer hardware that I pulled out of dumpsters (thus did not contribute to the intel M.E./ AMD #trustzone spy chip market), which I just use for occasional experiments.
#coreboot #libreboot #trustzone
RT @0xor0ne
A few years old but still a nice introduction to TEE exploitation (TrustZone/Kinibi)
Credits David Berard (@Synacktiv)
#tee #trustzone #kinibi #cybersecurity #infosec
Cool guide to embedded systems security and ARM trustzone by @dim0x69
#iot #embedded #trustzone #infosec #cybersecurity