Those were the days when professional detachment in the form of dispassionate, accurate delivery characterized the quality journalist, and set the bar for the profession.
Somewhere along the line, ratings and advertising dollars eclipsed the motherfucking truth.
The only thing I see wrong with this graphic is that Bugs Bunny is missing...
This is aimed at the jackwagons out there who seem to think the only way to win is to continue voting for evil.
A picture of the Boondock Saints twins sitting at a table. Caption reads, "Would somebody please hand these two some rope and tell them we need a plan to save our country?"
The Dachshund
His legs are bowed, his feet turn out
He gives us much to laugh about
He's two dogs long, half a dog high,
In spite of which, he's quick and spry.
So at his funny build don't smirk
It's perfect for his special work.
For Dachshund plays a hero's roll
In going down a badger hole.
A badger is a savage fighter
A vicious scratcher and a biter.
And folks who call him 'dash hound' show
Their ignorance and do not know
That 'dox-hoont' is his proper name
In Germany from whence he came.
Poem by: David Newell