@shansterable @rberger According to one expert bears are “godless killing machines”, so in a way it’s an apt appellation.
@ned @SnakeMcDuckets I wish that I could say with certainty it's a hoax. It's probably a troll. Even so, even if not strictly true, it has, in the Colbert sense, the distinction of #truthiness at least. From when he was funny and poking fun at conservatives in a way that made this Marxist laugh.
@MattHodges I guess there’s something to be said for forcing AI (and the public) to tackle some of the hard problems and faults with itself first to prove itself #fakenews #truthiness
Wir brauchen ein deutsches Wort für "truthiness". Leider hat @Dudenverlag nicht reagiert. Vielleicht mögen @janboehm, @MMittermeier, @ralphruthe, @shengfui oder @astefanowitsch etwas damit anfangen.
RT @die_socke
Der Begriff #truthiness hat es ins Merriam-Webster-Wörterbuch der englischen Sprache geschafft. Es beschreibt auf Gefühlen statt auf Fakten beruhende Überzeugungen. Wir brauchen einen deutschen Begriff dafür. Wie wäre es mi…
Vielleicht wäre es passender, den Begriff #Wissing als deutsches Äquivalent zur Colbertschen #Truthiness* zu etablieren? :mastoface_with_rolling_eyes:
#GefühlteWahrheit #FDP
#Wissing #truthiness #gefuhltewahrheit #fdp
The main driving beats of the plot (no spoilers) er, didn't actually happen. It's the #Colbert idea of #truthiness
So on first watch, my head was being totally messed with.
On a re-watch, I could just relax and let it go a lot more.
There's probably a name for it - some variant of the Uncanny Valley - but it's so, so weird to have your head messed with by a cosy little romcom/fish out of water/underdog through no fault of your own *or* the film!
#colbert #truthiness #bankofdave
Colbert fake interviews George Santos.
And there's not even an #AI joke in here. (Yet.)
#Santos #colbert #AI #truthiness
"Falsehood flies, and the Truth comes limping after it." - Jonathan Swift, probably.
🧵 1/n
#quotes #disinformation #truthiness
My distinctive glasses carry a heavy payload for what passes as my personality.
#humor and #truthiness
Ha! You think it's going to bother me talking into a void? I've been married 32 years.
The saga of Lawn Boy by Jonathan Evison #politics #truthiness #books https://wapo.st/3PPkY3a
We are waiting for The Truth. ChatGpt is just a sophisticated, elegant and powerful statistic tool. We did it the same with talented oracles in Delphes, with chicken goats e.g.
Fascination of the appearence of Truth. Human needs magic but pretends to be rational.
Its an old and dangerous bias of our way of thinking.
#ChatGpt #truthiness #Magic
ChatGPT and generative AI in general shows us as much about our human meaning-making circuits as it does about AI models' ability to make stuff that's meaningful by those standards.
But we don't talk much about our own meaning-making, because it's the lens we see through and the water we swim in. This is what will bite us.
#ai #agi #chatgpt #gpt #Perception #truthiness