#Roa of #Rockingdoll with #TruthorDare
It's already her second solo and I really like it.
#roa #rockingdoll #truthordare #kpop #록킹돌 #로아 #트루스오어데어
*Anon gently pushes past her stretching labia*
*Renee hisses*
Anon: You OK?
Renee: Just...one second. Please.
*Renee takes a few deep breaths*
Renee: OK. Let's do this.
*Renee continues lowering herself, not pausing as Anon tears through her hymen*
Anon: NNgggg God you're so tight Renee.
Renee: I Love you Anon!
Anon: I love you too Renee!
#3d #3dcg #loli #deflower #virgin #rp #truthordare
Renee: "Why? Why would you tell her? You put the chair and you made me think it'd be our secret...wha? Why Anon?!"
*Renee collapses to the floor and begins to sob*
Telulah: "Honesty IS the best policy, right Anon?"
*Renee wails*
#3dcg #3d #loli #hebe #truthordare #Maravans #crying #upskirt
#3dcg #3d #loli #hebe #truthordare #maravans #crying #upskirt
Anon: "To start with why don't you just touch it, get used to it."
*Renee pokes Anon's cock tip*
Renee: "Oh it's so ...spongy, I don't know what I thought it would be like....plastic maybe?"
Anon: "Lol, no. It's soft and warm. Go ahead and wrap your hand around it."
*Renee looks towards the door as 'Lu pounds on it yelling.*
Anon: "Don't worry about her. You're fine."
Renee: "Are you OK? It's like...leaking."
#rp #loli #hebe #truthordare #3d #3dcg #daz3d #handjob
1.'Lu: "I gotta get a pic of this. Hold on don't go anywhere"
Anon: "No!"
Renee: "....this...big 'Lu... *eye twitches*"
2. Anon: "There that should keep her out of here."
Renee: "Thanks Anon, I'll feel more comfortable without her commenting."
Anon: "We doing this?"
Renee: "I've never touched one before. 'Lu showed me a video once."
Anon: "OK ignore that video - I'll show you how I like to get stroked. Porn isn't real life."
#rp #loli #hebe #truthordare #3d #3dcg #daz3d
Anon: "*whispers so Lu can't hear* I know it's weird Renee but c'mon, are you going to lose Truth or Dare to Telulah? I'll teach you to jerk a guy off, I bet you haven't done that before right? It'll be fun. If you really don't want to we can end it right now."
Renee: "...o...ok Anon, but only because it's you."
Anon unzips his pants and pulls out his package.
Telulah: "Holy. Fucking. Shit."
Renee: "It's like this big!"
#rp #loli #hebe #truthordare #finallycock
Editor's Note: No wrong answer this time - just may dictate how the scene plays out somewhat.
Renee: "What about Anon? It's his...di...penis."
#rp #poll #loli #hebe #truthordare
Telulah: Fuck lil' sis' your skin is so smooth. I'm stealing your lotion. *kiss* Do you like as I run my hands up and down your calves? *kiss* moving up to your thighs. *kiss*"
*Renee says nothing but spreads her legs wider to give Telulah better access*
Telulah: "So shy! Don't worry, I'm sure Anon finds that attractive. So kawaii or some shit, right? God I can SMELL you, even from this spot...here *kiss*"
#truthordare #loli #daz3d #hebe #undressing
Renee: "My boots? You're going to kiss my feet? But they're so sweaty and gross - I wasn't wearing socks!!!!"
'Lu: "You get your thrills dressing up like some anime LARP nerd, and I get mine sucking on little girls' toes. Potayto Potahto. Now give me your fuckin' adorable ass toes sis."
*suck, lick kiss* Mmmm
Renee: "Oh. It kind of feels nice. I wish you weren't watching Anon! This is so embarrassing."
#truthordare #loli #daz3d #hebe #undressing #feet #footfetish
#truthordare #loli #daz3d #hebe #undressing #feet #footfetish
1. Telulah: "I'm going to kiss you from top to bottom sis, or rather, bottom to top. Just sit back and relax OK? I'll do all the work."
Renee: "I don't know... isn't this...*voice drops* incest?"
'Lu: "Hell yeah! Up there with sex, drugs, and rock and roll. If there's a God kid, he's probably jerking it watching us - so just relax. Now, let's get these boots off."
#truthordare #loli #daz3d #hebe #undressing #feet #footfetish
#truthordare #loli #daz3d #hebe #undressing #feet #footfetish
1. Anon: "I dare you to make out with Renee."
'Lu: "You're fucking kidding me, right? That prude?
Renee: "R-r-r-really? You want to see THAT? Why?"
'Lu: "Oh Christ Renee, all guys want to see two hot girls slobber all over each other."
Renee: "*Softly* Do you really think I'm hot anon?"
2. Telulah: "Now let's put on a good show, alright?!" *Shove*
Renee: "Hey! What are you doing sis?"
#truthordare #loli #3dcg #daz3d #hebe #outrageousclothing
Telulah: "Not trying to influence you or anything, I just want to see how hard you get when I do this."
"Jesus sis' I can feel how wet you are through your clothes...and what are these cute little moans you're making. Aren't you embarrassed to be seen like this in front of your boyfriend?"
Renee: "He's...Mmmm....not....*pant* ...my....*moan*"
Telulah: "Did you just fucking cum? What a slut!"
#truthordare #loli #3dcg #daz3d #hebe #drool
"Well? Anon? Are you going to just sit there? Dare me to do something, unless you're too chicken."
or reply
or pick one
#truthordare #loli #3dcg #daz3d #hebe
Renee: "Wait go back to the one with..no not that one..the other one. Here, just let me, Anon. Oops!"
*phone falls*
Lu: "WTF???"
Renee: "OMG! It's truth or dare! Don't tell mom!"
Lu: "Hah! Like I'd tell mom when I have leverage over you for life! You're in for so much pain."
Renee: "C'mon 'Lu don't be a Bitch."
Lu: "For starters, I want in on this game. I'm up. I pick dare."
Renee: "C'mon - Lu d-"
Lu: "Ah ah ah do you want me to tell mom?"
#truthordare #loli #3dcg #daz3d #hebe
#truthordare #loli #3dcg #daz3d #hebe
~4s solo clip looped with sound and background. Available for free. On Baraag. Ya ain't ever gonna see it uncensored though unless I get some god dang interaction 'round here.
(Also full disclosure it's pretty rough lol)
Anyway: It's locked behind this:
If you wanna ever see my crappy animation then you better go play truth or dare with Renee.
(I guess it's fair to add an #rp tag to this now).
#rp #truthordare #hebe #animation #daz3d #3dcg #sound
4. "OK OK I dare you to... hrmmm. *whispers* show me the last thing you masturbated to (or show me one of your favorite Baraag artists). Hmph, if you can be a pervert so can I!"
Lu: "Hey what are you two whispering about over there!"
*Depending on the number of responses Renee's arousal level will increase. If < 5 the game will end.
*You have 48 hours (until Tuesday) to rise to Renee's dare.
Arousal Meter: ⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜
#truthordare #loli #3dcg #daz3d #hebe
4. "OK OK I dare you to... hrmmm. *whispers* show me the last thing you masturbated to. Hmph and you thought you had the monopoly on being a pervert I bet!"
Lu: "Hey what are you two whispering about over there!"
*Depending on the number of responses Renee's arousal level will increase. If < 5 the game will end.
#truthordare #loli #3dcg #daz3d #hebe
1. "OK well before I give you a dare, let's go to my house OK? Your house looks like a serial killer's. Where's your food? Your knives? Your dirty dishes. Do you even live here anon?"
2. "Hi mom, you remember Anon right? We're going to hang out here for awhile."
3. Mom: OK honey but Telulah is in charge. I have a ... meeting
Renee: "Mom c'mon she's only 2 years older than me, I don't need a babysitter!"
Lu: "Lol, get fucked twerp."
Mom: Language!
#truthordare #loli #3dcg #daz3d #hebe
"What do you mean my story didn't answer your question...you're going to make me say it? *blushes* *mumbles* I thought about what it might feel like. HAPPY?!
Next question: Have you ever gotten naked with another person?
Ha. Yes! Next question! Learn to ask better truths next time Anon."
"OK my turn: Truth or Dare?"
#3d #loli #pajamas #truthordare