(18 Aug) - Video Shows DeSantis Pushing for GOP State Legislatures to Overturn 2020 Race https://truthout.org/articles/video-shows-desantis-pushing-for-gop-state-legislatures-to-overturn-2020-race/ #DeSantisOverturn2020 #GOPStateLegislatures #ElectionIntegrity #2020Race #VideoEvidence #TruthOut #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110911236932602241
#news #politics #truthout #videoevidence #2020race #electionintegrity #gopstatelegislatures #desantisoverturn2020
(13 Aug) - Don’t Blame Drug Decriminalization for What the Housing Crisis Has Caused https://truthout.org/articles/dont-blame-drug-decriminalization-for-what-the-housing-crisis-has-caused/ #HousingCrisis #DrugDecriminalization #BlameGame #Truthout #Homelessness #AffordableHousing #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110879857519736494
#news #politics #affordablehousing #homelessness #truthout #blamegame #drugdecriminalization #housingcrisis
Don’t Blame Drug Decriminalization for What the Housing Crisis Has Caused
#HousingCrisis #DrugDecriminalization #BlameGame #Truthout #Homelessness #AffordableHousing #Politics #News
#housingcrisis #drugdecriminalization #blamegame #truthout #homelessness #affordablehousing #politics #news
Democrats Introduce Bill to Amend Civil Rights Act to Include LGBTQ Protections | The bill would codify protections established by the landmark Supreme Court ruling in Bostock v. Clayton County.
#Truthout #CivilRightsActAmendment #LGBTQProtections #BostockRuling #AntiLGBTQAttacks #EqualProtection #Politics #News
#truthout #civilrightsactamendment #lgbtqprotections #bostockruling #antilgbtqattacks #equalprotection #politics #news
GOP Is Trying to Slash Food Aid to Kids Who Are Already Struggling to Access It. A recent study suggests that more than 53 percent of young kids who are eligible for food aid haven’t been getting it.
#Truthout #GOPFoodCuts #FoodAidAccess #ChildHunger #FoodInsecurity #NutritionPrograms #Politics #News
#truthout #gopfoodcuts #foodaidaccess #Childhunger #foodinsecurity #nutritionprograms #politics #news
Warren, Jayapal Introduce Bill to Bind Supreme Court to Code of Ethics, Crack Down on Gifts and Trips
#Truthout #SupremeCourtEthics #GiftsAndTrips #WarrenJayapalBill #JudicialAccountability #EndJudicialCorruption #Politics #News
#truthout #SupremeCourtethics #giftsandtrips #warrenjayapalbill #judicialaccountability #endjudicialcorruption #politics #news
Sanders Introduces Bill to Make Community College Free by Taxing Wall Street | The College for All Act would be paid for by a tax on Wall Street transactions.
#Truthout #CollegeForAllAct #CommunityCollegeFree #WallStreetTax #HigherEducation #StudentDebt #Politics #News
#truthout #collegeforallact #communitycollegefree #wallstreettax #highereducation #studentdebt #politics #news
Chomsky and Pollin: Just Transition Can Stop Earth From Becoming Uninhabitable - https://truthout.org/articles/chomsky-and-pollin-just-transition-can-stop-earth-from-becoming-uninhabitable/
'We must act now to heed the UN secretary-general’s warning that climate change is “making our planet uninhabitable.”'
#NoamChomsky :chomsky: #RobertPollin #CJPolychroniou #Truthout #ClimateCatastrophe #climate
#noamchomsky #robertpollin #cjpolychroniou #truthout #climatecatastrophe #climate
CDC Report Recognizes Police-Perpetrated Killing as Major Cause of Violent Death
#Truthout #PoliceViolence #CDCReport #ViolentDeaths #LawEnforcement #JusticeReform #Politics #News
#truthout #policeviolence #cdcreport #violentdeaths #lawenforcement #justicereform #politics #news
Texas Is the First State to Ban Student Interaction With Elected Officials | Students have historically led social justice efforts that wouldn’t be possible without contact with elected official
#Truthout #TexasBanOnStudentInteraction #StudentActivism #SocialJustice #YouthEngagement #ElectedOfficials #Politics #News
#truthout #texasbanonstudentinteraction #studentactivism #socialjustice #youthengagement #electedofficials #politics #news
74 Percent of Voters Support Raising Federal Minimum Wage to $20 an Hour
#Truthout #MinimumWageIncrease #FederalMinimumWage #LivingWage #EconomicJustice #WorkerRights #Politics #News
#minimumwageincrease #federalminimumwage #livingwage #economicjustice #workerrights #politics #news #truthout
AOC Slams GOP After Gaetz Admits Debt Limit Negotiation Is “Hostage” Situation
#Truthout #AOCSlamsGOP #DebtLimitNegotiation #HostageSituation #GOPPolitics #USNationalDebt #Politics #News
#truthout #aocslamsgop #debtlimitnegotiation #hostagesituation #goppolitics #usnationaldebt #politics #news
Sinema Illegally Used $180K in Campaign Funds on Lavish Trips, Complaint Alleges
#Truthout #SinemaCampaignFunds #IllegalSpending #LavishTrips #PoliticalCorruption #CampaignFinanceViolation #Politics #News
#truthout #sinemacampaignfunds #illegalspending #lavishtrips #politicalcorruption #campaignfinanceviolation #politics #news
The GOP Would Rather Hold Hungry Families Hostage Than Tax the Wealthy
#Truthout #GOPtaxcuts #hungryfamilies #wealthyprivilege #economicjustice #classwarfare #Politics #News
#truthout #goptaxcuts #hungryfamilies #wealthyprivilege #economicjustice #classwarfare #politics #news
Minnesota Democrats Pass Major Pro-Union, Guaranteed Paid Sick Leave Bill | “This bill is a big damn deal,” said state Sen. Erin Murphy.
#Truthout #MinnesotaPaidSickLeave #UnionRights #ErinMurphy #WorkerBenefits #ProgressiveLegislation #Politics #News
#truthout #minnesotapaidsickleave #unionrights #erinmurphy #workerbenefits #progressivelegislation #politics #news
Biden Can Still Cancel Student Debt — Not Just Up to $20,000, But All of It
#Truthout #CancelStudentDebt #BidenAdministration #StudentLoanCrisis #HigherEducation #DebtRelief #Politics #News
#truthout #cancelstudentdebt #Bidenadministration #studentloancrisis #highereducation #debtrelief #politics #news
Sanders Unveils Bill Guaranteeing Up to 7 Days of Paid Sick Leave for US Workers — The U.S. is the only wealthy country in the world without universal paid sick leave.
#Truthout #PaidSickLeave #EmployeeBenefits #USLaborLaw #BernieSanders #WorkersRights #Politics #News
#truthout #paidsickleave #employeebenefits #uslaborlaw #berniesanders #workersrights #politics #news
AOC Blasts Corporate Media for “Disgusting” Coverage of Killing of Jordan Neely
#Truthout #CorporateMedia #JordanNeely #AOC #MediaBias #PoliceViolence #Politics #News
#truthout #corporatemedia #jordanneely #aoc #mediabias #policeviolence #politics #news
I've just reviewed Noam Chomsky's 'Illegitimate Authority: Facing the Challenges of Our Time": https://niklas.reviews/2023/05/02/noam-chomsky-illegitimate-authority/ :chomsky:
The book is published 9 May (2023-05-09) by #HaymarketBooks, buy it from their site: https://www.haymarketbooks.org/books/2004-illegitimate-authority
#NoamChomsky #CJPolychroniou #TruthOut #interviews #book #review #BookReview @bookstodon
#HaymarketBooks #noamchomsky #cjpolychroniou #truthout #interviews #book #review #bookreview
From Noam Chomsky's coming book 'Illegitimate Authority'.
#NoamChomsky :chomsky: #CJPolychroniou #Truthout @bookstodon #books #reading #USA
#noamchomsky #cjpolychroniou #truthout #books #reading #usa