Deception and disinformation are increasingly prevalent in today's world, making it difficult to discern truth from fiction. In 'Truth's Pursuit: Disentangling the Deceptive Maze,' I offer a thoughtful reflection on the challenges of seeking truth amidst the confusion of disinformation. #poetry #disinformation #truthseeking #poetrycommunity #writingcommunity #wordsmith #art #justice #mentalclarity
#poetry #disinformation #truthseeking #poetrycommunity #writingcommunity #wordsmith #art #justice #mentalclarity
Seeing truth in news
Differs from liberals to conservatives
Rewards or not, it's true
#fakenews #polarization #truthseeking #haiku #poetry
#fakenews #polarization #truthseeking #haiku #poetry
We salute the grand jury with due reverence,
For the weight of their decisions, we must defer then.
Their inquiry so brave, made the truth come alive,
Their report of the Trump investigation a model to strive.
#grandjury #trumpinvestigate #truthseeking #justice #ode #poetry
#grandjury #truthseeking #justice #ode #poetry #trumpinvestigate
Because I'm not currently a working journalist, I've switched servers from to fangirl of #truthseeking #journalists