#memories #children #truthtellers
Long ago at a family gathering...
My Uncle: why do you always hang out with the kids?
Me: they are more fun, less gossip.
The truth is much more. Children will be themselves around you, their emotions are genuine, they do not judge you and they say what is on their mind even when it isn't appropriate. Most of all they are funny, lovable and look you in the eyes.
Decades later, you will still find me with little ones gathered around me.
#truthtellers #children #memories
I've got a suggestion for this week's #FridayNightJukebox (or #JukeboxFridayNight as the case may be). Last week's #TruthTellers theme brought out a whole bunch of awesome tracks, but as some people pointed out, some of the most important truths can be not only inconvenient, but downright traumatic. So many of them tended towards a downer vibe.
To balance that out, how about we make this Friday's theme 'songs that always cheer me up'? I've got a whole bunch of good ones in mind...
#FridayNightJukebox #JukeboxFridayNight #truthtellers
A late entry for #JukeboxFridayNight #truthtellers
Ani Difrantco - Joyful Girl
So many good Ani Difranco songs on this theme. But this one is about what motivates her to be a truth teller. And also has a line about the truth, so
'cuz the bathroom mirror has not budged
and the woman who lives there can tell
the truth from the stuff that they say
and she looks me in the eye
and says would you prefer the easy way
no, well o.k. then
don't cry
#JukeboxFridayNight #truthtellers
Late submission to #JukeboxFridayNight #TruthTellers (It's still Friday somewhere in the world)
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
#JukeboxFridayNight #truthtellers
Mr your on fire mr
From their 2001 debut They Threw Us All in a Trench and Stuck a Monument on Top
#jukeboxfridaynight #truthtellers
Missed Friday night, but it’s still Friday somewhere.
#FridayNightJukebox #truthtellers
Red gum, I was only 19.
The Vietnam war from an Aussie perspective.
#FridayNightJukebox #truthtellers
Seems like a good place to finish this week.
Sinéad O'Connor - Downpressor Man
#JukeboxFridayNight #truthtellers
Grenzen (Borders) by Dota Kehr for #JukeboxFridayNight's theme #TruthTellers
Listen to it on youtube via invidious here:
Lyrics translation here: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/grenzen-bordersboundaries.html
#JukeboxFridayNight #truthtellers #music #dotakehr
I may have few more #TruthTellers for #JukeboxFridayNight in me.
Here's one from more than two decades ago we should all listen (especially those of us who spend too much time in front of screens).
Le Tigre, "Get Off The Internet" (2001)
(Get off the Internet)
I'll meet you in the street
(Get off the Internet)
Destroy the right wing
#JukeboxFridayNight #truthtellers
#JukeboxFridayNight #truthtellers On repeat in our house - to all the gutter kings and queens! #punk #skapunk #streetpunk #barstoolpreachers #lovethelove #abovethestatic
The Bar Stool Preachers "Love The Love" / Pure Noise Records
#jukeboxfridaynight #truthtellers #punk #skapunk #streetpunk #barstoolpreachers #lovethelove #abovethestatic
Streets of Sorrow / Birmingham Six - The Pogues
#JukeboxFridayNight #truthtellers
'The Perverted Dance (Cut the Balls)':
This is Slovenian satirist Klemen Slakonja's hilarious homage to his countryman, the eccentric Marxist philosopher Slavoj Zizek. Even if you're completely unfamiliar with the Zizek's work and the talking points the song parodies - which have become online memes in themselves - the video is worth it for Slakonja's bang-on mimicry alone. Plus the flash mob breaking into the Cut the Balls dance? Gold.
#FridayNightJukebox #truthtellers
OK, I know I said 10 songs, but honestly, with so many epic #TruthTellers still unmentioned, how can I not throw in a couple of bonus tracks?
'Permanent Holiday' by Mike Love:
You've probably seen this. I'd be surprised if there's anyone with net access of any kind who hasn't. But I just love the impassioned cry for people to reject the "corporate Babylon" and its "manipulation games", and the incredible musical talent on display.
#truthtellers #FridayNightJukebox
OK, I know I said 10 songs, but honestly, with so many epic #TruthTellers still unmentioned, how can I not throw in a couple of bonus tracks?
'The Perverted Dance (Cut the Balls)' is Slovenian satirist Klemen Slakonja's hilarious homage to his countryman, the eccentric Marxist philosopher Slavoj Zizek:
Even if you're completely unfamiliar with the Zizek talking points the song parodies, the video is worth it for Slakonja's bang-on mimicry alone.
#truthtellers #FridayNightJukebox
'Yell Fire' by Michael Franti and Spearhead:
If I was surprised that nobody has posted DKs (that I could see), I was even more surprised that nobody posted a Spearhead track yet. Although I did see a track from Michael Franti's earlier group Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy, a homage to the DKs song 'California Uber Alles'. Franti has been one of the loudest and most consistent #TruthTellers out of the US, with both his music and documentaries.
#truthtellers #FridayNightJukebox
'Oil' by the legendary Formidable Vegetable Sound System:
'Permaculture: A Rhymer's Manual', released in 2013, has a song for each other David Holmgren's 12 #permaculture principles. Oil takes on the deadly serious topic of Peak Oil and industrial society's suicidal addiction to burning fossil fuels, and turns it into a whimsical chap-hop track imploring us to "use and value renewable resources and services", as Holmgren put it.
#permaculture #FridayNightJukebox #truthtellers
Money Game Part 2 by Ren for #JukeboxFridayNight's theme #TruthTellers
*Britain split through fickle shit
A government of hypocrites
These counterfeit politicians sit
In parliament, not adequate
Needlessly bleeding resources all dry
Turn a blind eye if it means a pay rise
"Oh what a shame it would be I would die"
If Number 10 Downing Street burned in a fire*
Watch it on youtube via invidious here:
#JukeboxFridayNight #truthtellers #music #hiphop #ren
'Let's Lynch the Landlord' by Dead Kennedys:
Speaking of tongues firmly in cheek, DKs had an ability - almost unique among punk bands - to visciously savage capitalists and conservatives with a whimsical sense of fun, rather than a permanent scowl. As house prices and rents have shot through the roof over the decades since this song's release, it's only become more and more relevant.
#FridayNightJukebox #truthtellers
Walking the Block (feat. Drea d'Nur) by Akua Naru for #JukeboxFridayNight's theme #TruthTellers ...
Watch the live performance of it on youtube via invidious here:
It's from her live album "Live & Aflame Sessions", you can find it on bandcamp here:
#JukeboxFridayNight #truthtellers #music #hiphop #akuanaru
'Sign the Dotted Line' by Tall Dwarfs:
It was hard to pick one track from Weeville, it's one of my all time favourite kiwi albums. It takes aim at ruby- racing-and-beer culture, yuppies, the neoliberal coup known in Aotearoa as Rogernomics, and more, but with tongue firmly in cheek, and some gorgeous low-fi songwriting. What More or Ozone or even Bodies were also candidates. The whole album is well worth a listen.
#FridayNightJukebox #truthtellers