Sometimes I like to check #WhatsNew with an #app before I do #updates. I really don't use #Skype anymore. These days it's mostly just #Viber and #Zoom. Occasionally, #GoogleMeet. I'm actually thinking I should just uninstall Skype.
But I saw something interesting in Skype's app update: "#Truvoice #AI to use your own voice during a translated call in Skype".
Oh wow, I almost want to use Skype again! 😅
#whatsnew #app #updates #skype #Viber #zoom #googlemeet #truvoice #ai
🗣️ Skype #TruVoice, grazie all'#AI, consente di ottenere la traduzione simultanea mantenendo il timbro vocale durante i meeting.
💡 Anche se da una parte, queste applicazioni contribuiranno ad atrofizzare una parte della nostre spinta culturale, rappresentano un significativo abbattimento di barriere comunicative ♥️
#truvoice #ai #voicetechnology #intelligenzaartificiale
#Skype #TruVoice: Echtzeit-Übersetzung mit der eigenen Stimme als #Deepfake | heise online #ArtificialIntelligence #MaschineLearning #Microsoft
#microsoft #maschinelearning #artificialintelligence #deepfake #truvoice #skype
#Microsoft hat für #Skype die #TruVoice-Funktion vorgestellt und gestartet. Das ist eine Live-Übersetzung, bei der eine KI die Stimme des Sprechers imitiert - noch nicht perfekt, aber dennoch beeindruckend.,133537.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia