It's true. I'm new. And I'm trying to get followers by being as funny as I can. I'm trying hard! In fact, many people say I'm the most trying person they know!
Sorry, I have to up my game...
#humor #noob #tryhard #imabadbadpersontellingbadbadjokes
You know what #Judges are great at?
You know what Judges really are dumbA55es at ?
Every time #MedicineLaw comes on the docket they #tryhard
#tryhard #MedicineLaw #medicine #judges
lo-fi hardcore experiences to snood and consult to — GAMING MUSIC #Pump Up #TryHard #2Hours (1:54:46)
#Sports teams #segregated by #sex and #gender are vestiges of a dying binary.
Give us #game modes and #competitive ranked #tiers based on performance like we have in #eSports.
Where are the #bronze_stuck weekend volleyball #casuals and sweaty triple-diamond #tryhard Olympic gymnasts?
As we enter the era of #trans #liberation, high-#tech #prosthetics, and modifications to the human #genome, when will we abandon our old lines and get on with the human story?
#sports #segregated #sex #gender #game #competitive #tiers #esports #bronze_stuck #casuals #tryhard #trans #liberation #tech #prosthetics #genome #transhumanism #genetics #athletics
Infosec types are so weird. I use 2FA on all of my accounts, yet don't feel the perverse need to jerk myself off over it every time there's a well-publicized security breach. That you think it's some sort of achievement is giving #tryhard.
Challenge yourself today by trying something new.
#xp #tryhard #affirmation