#Aneuploidies are an ancestral feature of #trypanosomatids, and an ancient chromosome #duplication is maintained in extant species
João Luís Reis-Cunha et al
bioRxiv 2023.06.26.546280; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.06.26.546280
#aneuploidies #trypanosomatids #duplication #leishmania #genome #genomics #aneuploidy
An #Introduction from us - we are the Department of #CellBiology & Developmental Biology at the University of #Würzburg in 🇩🇪. We love #trypanosomes! (and #trypanosomatids).
Toots will generally cover the following topics:
- News from the department (papers, PhDs, new arrivals).
- Papers of interest in #MolecularParasitology.
- Random observations about life in 🇩🇪 .
Great to be here and we're looking forward to connecting with the community! :ablobsmile:
#introduction #trypanosomatids #MolecularParasitology #cellbiology #würzburg #trypanosomes