Es wäre ja schlimm, wenn man nicht beliebige Konten anlegen und bebuchen könnte. 😃
Aber es ist ein großer Unterschied, ob ein #ERP schon Standardkontenrahmen mitbringt, oder eben nicht. Da hängt ja auch noch Umsatzsteuer-Automatik dran, die Umsatzsteuer-Voranmeldung, die BWA, der Bilanzentwurf. Klar kann man das selbst erstellen, wenn man viel Zeit hat. Aber wenn es so einfach ist, warum ist es dann nicht dabei?
Bei #Tryton und #odoo ist es dabei, bei #erpnext m.W.auch.
@michel42 @nilspickert
Check how Expertise Vision has structured their purchasing process thanks to #Tryton
📹⭕ Despliega Tryton fácilmente con HiveAgileCTL.
#HiveAgileCTL #Tryton #DespliegueFácil #AdministraciónDeServidores
#hiveagilectl #tryton #desplieguefacil #administraciondeservidores
📹⭕ Despliega Tryton fácilmente con HiveAgileCTL.
#HiveAgileCTL #Tryton #DespliegueFácil #AdministraciónDeServidores
#hiveagilectl #tryton #desplieguefacil #administraciondeservidores
📹⭕ Despliega Tryton fácilmente con HiveAgileCTL.
#HiveAgileCTL #Tryton #DespliegueFácil #AdministraciónDeServidores
#hiveagilectl #tryton #desplieguefacil #administraciondeservidores
📹⭕ Despliega Tryton fácilmente con HiveAgileCTL.
#HiveAgileCTL #Tryton #DespliegueFácil #AdministraciónDeServidores
#hiveagilectl #tryton #desplieguefacil #administraciondeservidores
📹⭕ Despliega Tryton fácilmente con HiveAgileCTL.
#HiveAgileCTL #Tryton #DespliegueFácil #AdministraciónDeServidores
#hiveagilectl #tryton #desplieguefacil #administraciondeservidores
Law firms can also benefit from #Tryton thanks to its extensibility
The refactoring of #tryton search on amount has landed in default.
It started from a somehow controversial idea to remove the search to the current implementation exploiting the new index feature from 6.6 and the idea that invoices are mostly in the `posted` state.
Supporting free/libre frameworks like #kivy or #Tryton is also a great way to support #GNUHealth ❤️
Working on automatic syncing of medical imaging studies and patients from #Orthanc DICOM server to #GNUHealth HMIS, #Tryton #GNU #OpenScience
#Orthanc #gnuhealth #tryton #gnu #openscience
And @meanmicio joins us from Las Palmas to explain that #GNUHealth loves #Tryton #TUB2023
Looking forward to talk about why #GNUHealth loves #Tryton at #TUB2023 #GNU #OpenScience #SocialMedicine ❤️ @gnuhealth @tryton @gnusolidario
#gnuhealth #tryton #tub2023 #gnu #openscience #socialmedicine
Enjoying the first day of #TUB2023, the #Tryton Unconference in Berlin. A day to see great presentations and go through the history of the project, so I wear the cool t-shirt from Tryton Unconference in Buenos Aires in 2015 🤗
At 15:30 I'll talk about why #GNUHealth loves Tryton ❤️ @tryton