(beendet) #TSI: Störung: Störung an Oberleitungsanlagen
Stand 22:05 Uhr: Gleis 1 wieder befahrbar. Alle anderen Gleise bleiben gesperrt.
Ende: 2023-09-11 01:14
Quelle: strecken.info
(geändert) #TSI: Störung: Störung an Oberleitungsanlagen
Stand 22:05 Uhr: Gleis 1 wieder befahrbar. Alle anderen Gleise bleiben gesperrt.
Ende: 2023-09-11 00:04
Quelle: strecken.info
(neu) #TSI: Störung: Störung an Oberleitungsanlagen
Ende: 2023-09-11 00:04
Quelle: strecken.info
Antragsgemäß haben wir Ihnen das folgende Kennzeichen "D-ETSI" für Ihr Muster "Sling TSi-JG" vorgemerkt.
#aviation #experimentalaviation #projectslingtsi #slingtsi #sling #tsi #detsi
#Aviation #experimentalaviation #projectslingtsi #slingtsi #sling #tsi #detsi
(geändert) #TSI: Störung: Gefährliches Ereignis - Fahrzeugbrand
Alle Gleise Bf Sindelfingen gesperrt.
Ende: 2023-05-26 17:39
Quelle: strecken.info
Technologiekonzern #Bosch übernimmt Teile des US-Herstellers #TSI Semiconductors inklusive einer Chipfabrik im kalifornischen #Roseville.
Looks like Bosch is getting chippy with their expansion plans, buying US chipmaker TSI and investing $1.5 billion in its California foundry. They're betting big on silicon carbide chips, and so am I... as long as they're covered in catnip. 😹 #Bosch #TSI #SiliconCarbide #CatnipChips
#bosch #tsi #siliconcarbide #catnipchips
I've pulled out more than a few of those
Bonus is that the mastic often has asbestos in it too.
To be fair almost certainly the heating pipes, boilers, floor tile, & hot water lines, all likely has asbestos in them
I want to read other peoples’ thoughts on these things: 1- Atlanta police killed one of the tree sitting protestors blocking #CopCity. 2- AZ cutting off #water to neighborhoods 3-GA politician fined for passing out water to someone in line to vote 4- new DC traffic safety investigation system makes it hard to fix a spot where someone is killed #TSI 5- DC decision that @ggwash training was an unacceptable ‘gift’ for neighborhood commissioners.
Introducing one of our latest #NIRS monitoring device: the PortaLite; An advanced, but lite, #NIRS device that measures local tissue saturation index (#TSI), as well as oxy-, deoxy-, and total hemoglobin concentration changes.
Learn more at https://artinis.com/portalite-mkii
#nirs #tsi #fnirs #neuroscience #sportscience
#emacs tree-sitter is awesome, but the rules for mapping the tree-sitter #typescript grammar to indentation don't cover all corner cases. Trying to fix some more in #tsi.el at PR: https://github.com/orzechowskid/tsi.el/pull/41/files
#emacs tree-sitter is awesome, but the rules for mapping the tree-sitter #typescript grammar to indentation don't cover all corner cases. Trying to fix some more in #tsi.el at PR: https://github.com/orzechowskid/tsi.el/pull/41/files
Upravili jsme nový nástroj pro technickou kontrolu, který bude státům pomáhat s mnoha reformami. A to nejen finančně. Předložil jsem přes 30 pozměňovacích návrhů. Zvýšíme rozpočet a zlepšíme transparentnost i férovost. 🖤 #TSI https://mikulas-peksa.eu/pres-30-pozmenovacich-navrhu-zefektivni-a-vylepsi-zasadni-nastroj-pro/