Yikes. #PhonyStark up to his old tricks.
Also, I just wanted to point out that #HurricaneHillary is on a possible collision course with both the Fremont and Gigglefactory #Tesla plants. Let's hope she hath no mercy. 🌀
#PhonyStark #hurricanehillary #tesla #tslaq #pos #musk
This may not be the best idea as it's a total fucking conflict of interest and obviously a bail out for $8chan, but I'm sure super brain genius has already figured his way out of it, the ∞D chess he master he is.
#phonystark #tslaq #musk #pos
So Tesla's boy wonder CFO Zach is leaving and Elon announces that he needs surgery. Given past episodes of Elon doing strange things to shape news coverage and search results, it's hard not to consider the surgery news an attempt to make that the headline.
I wouldn't be entirely surprised to see some posts by Elon about "ATM" in the coming months (50/50 between normie "Automated Teller Machine machine?" post and something... pornier).
More legal woes for #PhonyStark and his merry band of hardcore street fighters:
One need only look at going through with buying Twitter in order to avoid a deposition.
All the street fighting lawyers are useless if the client folds that easily.
Blaze Your Glory everyone.
#POS #Tesla #TSLAQ
Elno just went into some bullsheet 🤌 about neurolink, actuators and a #cyborgbody.
Never let reality get in the way of your dreams everyone.
#TSLAQ quarterly dog and pony show starts at 5:30EST if you need a healthy dose of drug addled fraud in your day. #TSLA #POS #PhonyStark
I generally start drinking at 5:00 to get on Space Karen's level. #thisisnotalcoholismadvice
#tslaq #TSLA #pos #PhonyStark #thisisnotalcoholismadvice
Imagine thinking it's a good idea to use company funds to build a glass house... #tslaq
Just want to point out that nobody said performance enhancers were off the table for Elno vs. Fuckerberg. I, frankly, think minimum blood/substance concentration levels should be established so we can turn that cage into a drug-fueled alligator fuck-house.
#tslaq #TSLA #elonq #meta #zuckerbergq
Choose your fighter... but for real.
#tslaq #TSLA #muskvszuck #whatishappening
Elno showing us yet again, that HE is the one true brain genius polymath. Rejoice has he regales us with medical knowledge from the blue swastika brigade. #phonystark #terdsla #TSLAQ