Tamil Nadu: Dalit and tribal organisations demand SC/ST sub-plan for better utilisation of funds
The draft demanded that the allocated fund to the SC/ST welfare should not be diverted to other plans and it should be non-lapsable.
#TamilNadu #SCSTSubPlan #TribalSubPlan #ScheduledCasteSubPlan #TSP #SCP #SCST #dalits #tribals #AdiDravidar #adivasis #welfare #TNGovt #india
#tamilnadu #scstsubplan #tribalsubplan #scheduledcastesubplan #tsp #scp #scst #dalits #tribals #adidravidar #adivasis #Welfare #TNGovt #india
#Retirementplanning when you have both a pension and a defined-contribution plan (like #TSP) is different. (Spoiler alert: It's also easier.)
Posting this for folks in the math community who hear a title like this and go...'Ooh, neat!'
A talk on the TSP, sponsored by the NSF. I've just started reading William Cook's charming 'In Pursuit of the Traveling Salesman', and have become enchanted with the problem.
Anyway, here is a link to the talk:
#mathematics #linearprogramming #travelingsalesman #tsp
Spend on Scheduled Caste Sub Plan in TN has fallen since DMK came to power
The dismal numbers have led to activists questioning the validity of the DMK’s claims of social justice and the ‘Dravidian model’.
#SC #TamilNadu #DMK #welfare #SCST #TSP #dalits #dalit #DravidianModel #PalanivelThiyagarajan #india
#sc #tamilnadu #DMK #Welfare #scst #tsp #dalits #dalit #dravidianmodel #palanivelthiyagarajan #india
Blog from Rick Morton at #TSP on this morning's hearing of former Dep Sec of DSS, Serena Wilson. Who shredded all her work notes on leaving DSS.
#7AYW #Day1 #TravellingSalesmanProblems #TSP
Federico Michelotto presents the first exact method and a genetic-based heuristic for the Flying Sidekick Traveling Salesman Problem with Variable Drone Speeds Selection. https://t.co/v9TmP4VAi3
#tsp #travellingsalesmanproblems #day1 #7ayw
TSP.gov website looks like someone’s first web app. #tsp #thriftsavingdplan #configfail
#tsp #thriftsavingdplan #configfail
#TSP Editorial for today Sat 14/1/2023 — "Finding the will"
You know, since we now have a new government, and governance has improved astronomically, it only takes a slight sidelong glance to notice that Australia's human rights record is still in the gutter and needs lots of work.
Hey #Aldi, #TSP & Co. am Fachmarktzentrum in #Preetz! Könnt Ihr nicht noch ein oder zwei der 500+ Parkplätze für die Radfahrenden abzwacken? #Autokorrektur
#aldi #tsp #preetz #autokorrektur
Does anyone know what happened to the P = NP "result" due to Diaby Karwan & Sun announced on the U Conn web page a few days ago? Mention seems to have been scrubbed. Scattered hints remain on the internet. I'm curious to see the original paper and, perhaps more so, about the sequence of events. #orms #complexity #tsp #optimization
#orms #complexity #tsp #optimization
Oggi su MaddMaths! come scambiarsi regali di #Natale in maniera ottimale con un #SecretSanta e l’aiuto della #RicercaOperativa (spoiler: #TSP). A cura di Veronica Dal Sasso, #OperationsResearch Scientist di Optrail s.r.l. #orms
#orms #operationsresearch #tsp #ricercaoperativa #secretsanta #natale
RT @ennolenze
Beim #tsp hoffest erklärt @LorenzMaroldt warum der reine Informationsfluss im internet keine Zeitung ersetzen kann. Es muss auch eingeordnet, erklärt und verifiziert werden. Erst so werden Nachrichten draus.
Agentur Ostkreuz - „Tausende Negative taugten als Fundament für eine Agentur – wenn nicht sogar als Sockel für ein Denkmal.“ https://www.tagesspiegel.de/kultur/im-kino-foto-ostkreuz-aeusserer-druck-und-innere-freiheit/12659020.html /via #tsp
„Sexarbeit mit Geschlechtsverkehr bleibt bis 30. Juni verboten.“ #berlin #servicetweet /via #tsp #checkpoint
#berlin #servicetweet #tsp #checkpoint
„Daher mehren sich die Forderungen nach einer vorübergehenden Aufhebung des Patentschutzes der Hersteller.“ - hihi, Gesundheitssozialismus ahead /via #tsp ✊ #covid19 #fckcptlsm