Børge A. Roum · @forteller
2314 followers · 5229 posts · Server tutoteket.no

I was going to buy a book and sticker from The Satanic Temple, but shipping to Norway is 40 USD! Sorry, but that's just too much, man. I wish they sold e-books.


Last updated 1 year ago

Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
2357 followers · 4782 posts · Server kolektiva.social

In my time within The Satanic Temple, I reached out to and interviewed probably hundreds of people interested in membership and local involvement.

Many, many people applied because they didn’t have any other community and wanted, if not activism, then refuge — especially after the 2016 election.

It is absolutely my experience that of those who stayed, the ones who spoke up the loudest about wanting to make The better than it was (better at serving its most vulnerable members) were the ones with the most to lose when TST failed — or — to live up to its own values.

Those people ultimately left because raising concerns through “the proper channels” was ignored, or they were purged from membership because their “negative commentary” was declared proof of a conspiracy to harm . (Or because they were friends with someone making that commentary.)

And that’s not unique. That has happened again, and is going to keep happening.


Think of the people who most resonate with The Temple's purported message about reason, compassion, and escaping — the people who are compelled to seek TST membership in the first place.

#tst #satanictemple #thesatanictemple #ChristianNationalism

Last updated 1 year ago

Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
2355 followers · 4762 posts · Server kolektiva.social

In my time within The Satanic Temple, I reached out to and interviewed probably hundreds of people interested in membership and local involvement.

Many, many people applied because they didn’t have any other community and wanted, if not activism, then refuge — especially after the 2016 election.

It is absolutely my experience that of those who stayed, the ones who spoke up the loudest about wanting to make The better than it was (better at serving its most vulnerable members) were the ones with the most to lose when TST failed — or — to live up to its own values.

Those people ultimately left because raising concerns through “the proper channels” was ignored, or they were purged from membership because their “negative commentary” was declared proof of a conspiracy to harm The Satanic Temple. (Or because they were friends with someone making that commentary.)

#tst #satanictemple

Last updated 1 year ago

Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
2355 followers · 4758 posts · Server kolektiva.social

There’s one other part of the FAQ worth highlighting:

“Some people join TST just to claim to be former members.”

It really encapsulates the ethos that we think makes The an immediate threat to people who get involved with in the present day.

The Satanic Temple's statement is despicable for a couple reasons, not least for how much it echoes pro-cop and union-busting rhetoric portraying organizers and as “third party interference” or “outside agitators” whose repression is justified in the pursuit of “pragmatism.”

#satanictemple #tst #whistleblowers

Last updated 1 year ago

Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
2355 followers · 4756 posts · Server kolektiva.social

failed that claim for many reasons.

But rather than take the L and spend its resources on actual threats to , they’re appealing the dismissal, trying to establish precedent that would make it easier for churches to retaliate against critics.

The Satanic Temple is making a pro-theocracy argument to bind over 62 million people within the .


Or, more bluntly: is staking its legitimacy as a on the extent to which it can redefine the law to marginalize its own politically convenient targets in turn.

#thesatanictemple #humanrights #ninthcircuit #tst #religion

Last updated 1 year ago

Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
2355 followers · 4747 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Longtime followers of ’s legal history will know the Temple is, by design, a far greater threat to its own members than it has ever been interested in, or capable of, posing to the Christian Right.

It’s still *WILD* to see explicitly confirming this in its own FAQ 🧵

#thesatanictemple #tst

Last updated 1 year ago

Giles · @gilesc
9 followers · 96 posts · Server satanodon.com

I can appreciate that Satan created dinosaurs and a fossil record to trick us into believing that the Earth is older than 5000 years old.That trick is very creative and flawlessly executed. Thanks, Satan, I'm impressed!

#religion #tst

Last updated 1 year ago

Essi E. Eris · @otomomom
230 followers · 655 posts · Server mastodontti.fi

The Satanic Temple Finland ry lähetti aarteita pientä korvausta vastaan. Taide à la Kissakalapuikko (Milla Hovivuori)

#satanism #tstfinland #tst

Last updated 1 year ago

Mike D · @md
324 followers · 4262 posts · Server sfba.social

@nudiebodhi @EverMama8_
Not sure if we have it in the US.

I tend to align with the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and The Satanic Temple.

#jedi #jediism #pastafarian #fsm #thesatanictemple #tst

Last updated 1 year ago

Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
2343 followers · 4717 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Fuck , and

#tst #hailsatan

Last updated 1 year ago

L'Osservatorio Esteri · @OsservatorioEsteri
647 followers · 6170 posts · Server mastodon.uno

Il nuovo governo prevederà la presenza dei due partiti dei generali autori del colpo di Stato, oltre che di quasi tutti gli altri che hanno ottenuto almeno un seggio alle elezioni di Maggio.
A restarne fuori saranno solo |Centro-sinistra, |Centro-destra, |Centristi anti-militaristi e |Centro-sinistra.


#thailandia #mfp #dem #tst #fp

Last updated 1 year ago

L'Osservatorio Esteri · @OsservatorioEsteri
647 followers · 6170 posts · Server mastodon.uno

Il nuovo governo prevederà la presenza dei due partiti dei generali autori del colpo di Stato, oltre che di quasi tutti gli altri che hanno ottenuto almeno un seggio alle elezioni di Maggio.
A restarne fuori saranno solo |Centro-sinistra, |Centro-destra, |Centristi anti-militaristi e |Centro-sinistra.


#thailandia #mfp #dem #tst #fp

Last updated 1 year ago

Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
2256 followers · 4643 posts · Server kolektiva.social

This is another one of those, "Y'all must just make stuff up because y'all hate so much, huh?" things, but no. No, this comes straight from one of 's own court filings.

#thesatanictemple #tst

Last updated 1 year ago

Giles · @gilesc
9 followers · 96 posts · Server satanodon.com

I'm just loving my Sunday. I didn't have to get going early to go listen to a funny man talk like stories from bronze age shepherds are real. I hope you make the most of your time if you're lucky enough to not to have to work today. It is so nice and quiet here .

#silentsunday #tst

Last updated 1 year ago

Giles · @gilesc
4 followers · 62 posts · Server satanodon.com

is . Your religion prevents *you* from having an abortion, in mine it is a ritual.


, , and are cancerous in society. If you're not using Signal for your private messages, it isn't private.

#abortion #healthcare #tst #facebook #religions #corporations

Last updated 1 year ago

Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
2177 followers · 4510 posts · Server kolektiva.social

"" - a Queer Satanic benefit show at in

7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 19, at the book store in
92 Pike St, Seattle, WA 98101


and are all set to perform

We're also working on having some local artists present, such as

Proceeds from the benefit fundraiser go to paying the legal defense bills of the Heretics, four former members of who have been sued by for more than three years now in three different courts as part of an ongoing suit designed to exhaust our finances and intimidate other critics of that abusive religious organization into silence.

#hailluciferthelightbringer #leftbankbooks #seattle #Anarchist #pikeplacemarket #hurryupsnuffkin #deadsonics #molotovjuicebox #kellydeanverity #QueerSatanic #thesatanictemple #tst #slapp

Last updated 1 year ago

Morax · @morax
341 followers · 1180 posts · Server satanodon.com
Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
2173 followers · 4473 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Why did lose its federal case in ?

Because is very bad at court cases.

We've said it before, and we will no doubt have many occasions to say it again in the future.


This article goes through the judge's opinion in some depth to show why that judge is *not* a "doddering old fool", as TST's owner claimed in response to the judgement against, but rather how the fails its donors and supporters again and again with sloppy or intentionally threadbare legal work.

#tst #abortion #texas #thesatanictemple #satanictemple

Last updated 1 year ago

Giles · @gilesc
5 followers · 42 posts · Server satanodon.com

I feel bad for folks that have to spend an hour (or more!) every Sunday listening to things that are obviously not true. Practice makes perfect when it comes to self-delusion. That is why kids ask a lot of questions when things don't make sense and the adults have stopped. Go to instead. It isn't too late to re-program and start living a life free from superstition. It can be scary at first, but then it's not, and then is all seems so silly (which it is).

#brunch #faith #tst

Last updated 1 year ago

L'Osservatorio Esteri · @OsservatorioEsteri
577 followers · 5409 posts · Server mastodon.uno

Sudarat (|Centro anti-militarista): “Noi parlamentari del ci prepariamo così per partecipare alla cerimonia di apertura del parlamento.
Siamo pronti a fare il nostro dovere per tutelare al massimo gli interessi delle persone.”

Nota: È prassi, in presenza di eventi che rivestono grande importanza per il Paese, che i parlamentari indossino un’uniforme militare.


#thailandia #keyuraphan #tst

Last updated 1 year ago