Another heat wave is coming to town later this week here in #Baltimore. Gotta sneak those runs in before the sun gets going in the morning!
I'm skipping out, kids. This was great! Happy Anniversary #SymSat
Thanks @MatthewTitus88 and @stuartgrist and the rest of the music crew! This was fun! Enjoy the rest of the program. #TTFN
@PublicChaffinch amen. People get overly weird attachments to music. I think it’s because it’s such an non-visual format it builds emotional connections in our mind which can make people extra emotional about it. But oddly they seem to forget we are all different. Have different brains and experiences and connections to things. 💕💕
#ttfn I’m on a big Yes and Belle & Sebastian kick I can’t shake. Time to zone out.
The good news: I have four of the items on today’s to do list crossed off.
The bad news: I still have four to go.
Please don't do anything exciting for the next few hours. I gotta get stuff done. #plsthx
#plsthx #ttfn #wip #wfh #writer #writing #productivity #theoffice
Gotta get started on the popcorn and toast if I’m going to be ready when my Thanksgiving dinner guests arrive…
#happythanksgiving #thanksgivingday #ttfn