[#FanzineFocus XXXI] Loviatar No. 2—A review of the fanzine for Pathfinder, First Edition RPG, GURPS, and World of Darkness by Christian Walker.
#reviewsfromrlyeh #rpgreview #rpgreviews #Fanzine #Fantasy #Paizo #OSR #OldSchoolRenaissance
#ttrpg #ttprgs
#FanzineFocus #reviewsfromrlyeh #rpgreview #rpgreviews #fanzine #fantasy #paizo #osr #OldSchoolRenaissance #ttrpg #ttprgs
What has been your greatest in-game, in-character accomplishment? Something your character or your group of characters did that made the biggest impact, good or bad. I'm looking for legacy-defining stuff that they'll read about your characters in the history books centuries on.
#ttrpg #ttprgs #rpgs #rpg #roleplaying
Spells fly and brothers clash as the fate of the party's time in Mysidia hangs in the balance.
Kupo Quest Episode 22 - "Duel" is now available!
#FinalFantasy #dnd #ttrpg #ttprgs #ActualPlay #jrpg #YouTube
#finalfantasy #DnD #ttrpg #ttprgs #actualplay #jrpg #youtube
AI Dms... no thanks, they wouldn't be able to keep up with my twisty brain, sure semi traumatizing my chosen DMs is a good chunk of the fun.
My current GM had to look up how scabies works and if deliberately infecting someone with it, contravened the Geneva conventions. #ttprgs
@Morgunin That one! Exactly. „The“ #OSR (= old school revival, old school renaissance, or as I prefer: Open Source Revolution), re-explores the playstyle and design principles of older editions of the dragon game (and other early #ttprgs). The idea is NOT, that everything was better in the glorious old days (play culture for example has massively improved IMO, the hobby has become more diverse, there have been innovations in game design), but that there are interesting aspects to rediscover 1/n
RT @CGHildebrandt
I've never understood why anyone would want to sign on to the OGL.
As @doctorow points out here, the OGL only gives you a license to things that you don't need a license for.
#DnD #OGL #ttprgs #dungeonsanddragons #rpgs #rpg #gaming #tabletopgaming
#dnd #ogl #ttprgs #dungeonsanddragons #rpgs #rpg #gaming #tabletopgaming
I've never understood why anyone would want to sign on to the OGL.
As @doctorow points out here, the OGL only gives you a license to things that you don't need a license for.
#DnD #OGL #ttprgs #dungeonsanddragons #rpgs #rpg #gaming #tabletopgaming
#dnd #ogl #ttprgs #dungeonsanddragons #rpgs #rpg #gaming #tabletopgaming
For more than a decade I've run #ttprgs other than #dnd or #pathfinder . Now that I'm running a #spelljammer campaign, I feel like I have to put combat into every session -- something I never felt the need to do with most other games.
When you play or run a d20 fantasy game, is combat in most (if not all) sessions a must?
#ttprgs #DnD #pathfinder #spelljammer
Ben's latest piece (from the wee bank of #GenrePolice articles I've stashed away) is about #inclusion in #ttprgs. He gets personal in it, sharing his challenges and the steps he has taken as a professional GM to make his games more welcoming for others. https://www.geeknative.com/148398/genre-police-all-adventurers-welcome/
#ttprgs #inclusion #genrepolice
Some good stuff arrived today from Free League. Looking forward to sitting down with a cuppa to read these two. #TTPRGs