In case you're wondering the significance of the 15th or why every day on the bird app for the next couple weeks will have a promo post for my #TTRPGfamily and the broader #TTRPGcommunity.
The final nails are being driven in.
RT @thoughtpunks
May only be a couple weeks before the bird app finally burns down. Take every chance to reach out & shoot those shots while you can!
Until the 15th, everyday is promo day! Today is #TTRPGT…
#ttrpgfamily #TTRPGCommunity #ttrpgt
Heute gibt es den hunderter Würfel in Rentieroptik. Schon süß was es im #Dicecember so alles gibt. #ttrpgfamily #ttrpgt
#dicecember #ttrpgfamily #ttrpgt
An alle #Spielleiter da draußen. 6 einfache Tipps um eine coole Geschichte für eure Kampagne zu schreiben.
Lancer Battlegroup frigates
#lancerrpg #ttrpgt #art #mastoart #creativetoots
#CreativeToots #MastoArt #art #ttrpgt #lancerrpg