Keep on the Evermoors, find it here #shamelessselfpromo #ttrrpg #dnd5e #ttrpgcommunity #ttrpgfamily
#shamelessselfpromo #ttrrpg #dnd5e #TTRPGCommunity #ttrpgfamily
I'm telling you, this #python #websockets + #streamdeck + #OBS web browser sources is the next great step to my online #ttrrpg online #GM already overpowered sessions
#python #websockets #streamdeck #obs #ttrrpg #gm
Simple DeeEnDee Digital Boxset by Evey Lockhart
It's EVERYTHING Simple DeeEnDee, in one place at one low price!
Simple DeeEnDee, the Core Rules Zine
Cave of the Feral Catgirls, Adventure Zine
Pegasus Catgirl Amoeboid, Class Supplement Zine
The Spring Green Spellbook of Dreemlin II, Spells Supplement Zine
Somewhat Common Monsters, Monsters Supplement Zine
#ttrrpg #indiettrpg #simpledeeendee #DnD #notdnd
Did you know that RPGnet is the internet's #1 destination to discuss homophobia and whitewashing in long-running cop show "The Midsomer Murders?"
It's true!
(Screenshot is from a private window not logged into Google.)
#ttrrpg #rpgnet #themidsomermurders #manwhat
I really want someone to do a setting like the D&D 4e setting as presented in the two Preview books/magazines.
I know why the designers didn't write it up as a traditional setting in the actual line, and the little droplets of info were exciting to uncover.
But not all of that made it in, particularly how they actually gave humans a cultural niche not based on (often racist) expy cultures.
@HeyeBodo I left for the usual reasons: university, people moving to different cities, etc. With the exception of some D&D one-offs (the usual lowest common denominator) I haven't gotten back in, regrettably. As #ActuallyAutistic I *hate* getting to know new people, so it's a chore I only want to tackle for something that's worth it; in my case something sci-fi, e.g. #EclipsePhase, #Alien, #Cyberpunk, #TalesFromTheLoop, #ThingsFromTheFlood, or #Numenera, which tends to be a good deal more niche than the usual Fantasy stuff, making it even harder to find people... #LFG #TTRRPG #Cologne #Bonn #Germany ;-)
#actuallyautistic #eclipsephase #alien #cyberpunk #TalesFromTheLoop #thingsfromtheflood #numenera #lfg #ttrrpg #cologne #bonn #germany
Doing the Innsmouth map as a pointcrawl would be acceptable and comparatively easy, but I've got big worldbuilding energy right now. ;)
#ttrrpg #lovecraft #horror #callofcthulhu #amwriting #maps @TerraObscura
#ttrrpg #lovecraft #horror #callofcthulhu #amwriting #maps
Anyone have advice or recommendations for mapping tutorials/tools for modern urban areas?
I'd like to rough out a map for #TheInnsmouthLook, which takes place in the mid-90s.
I found a neat map of the downtown area at the time of "The Shadow Over Innsmouth," based on Lovecraft's original sketch. But I'd like to do more of the town, suburbs, and environs.
#ttrrpg #lovecraft #horror #callofcthulhu #amwriting #maps @TerraObscura
#theinnsmouthlook #ttrrpg #lovecraft #horror #callofcthulhu #amwriting #maps
Not familiar with The Admirer playbook?
π It is a playbook about experimentation and self-discovery, and how that interplays with admiration and attraction.
The anniversary is coming up, so now is a great time to get into it if you haven't already π
πΈ πΈ
#ThirstySwordLesbians #PoweredByLesbians #AdmirerPlaybook #DarlingBatGames #ttrrpg #ttrpgs #selfPromo
#ThirstySwordLesbians #PoweredByLesbians #admirerplaybook #darlingbatgames #ttrrpg #ttrpgs #selfpromo
Not familiar with The Admirer playbook? It is a playbook about experimentation and self-discovery, and how that interplays with admiration and attraction. The anniversary is coming up, so now is a great time to get into it if you haven't already π
#ThirstySwordLesbians #PoweredByLesbians #AdmirerPlaybook #DarlingBatGames #ttrrpg #ttrpgs #selfPromo
#ThirstySwordLesbians #PoweredByLesbians #admirerplaybook #darlingbatgames #ttrrpg #ttrpgs #selfpromo
Not familiar with The Admirer playbook? It is a playbook about experimentation and self-discovery, and how that interplays with admiration and attraction. The anniversary is coming up, so now is a great time to get into it if you haven't already π
#ThirstySwordLesbians #PoweredByLesbians #AdmirerPlaybook #DarlingBatGames #ttrrpg #ttrpgs #selfPromo
#ThirstySwordLesbians #PoweredByLesbians #admirerplaybook #darlingbatgames #ttrrpg #ttrpgs #selfpromo
Not familiar with The Admirer playbook? It is a playbook about experimentation and self-discovery, and how that interplays with admiration and attraction. The anniversary is coming up, so now is a great time to get into it if you haven't already π
#ThirstySwordLesbians #PoweredByLesbians #AdmirerPlaybook #DarlingBatGames #ttrrpg #ttrpgs #selfPromo
#ThirstySwordLesbians #PoweredByLesbians #admirerplaybook #darlingbatgames #ttrrpg #ttrpgs #selfpromo
Not familiar with The Admirer playbook? It is a playbook about experimentation and self-discovery, and how that interplays with admiration and attraction. The anniversary is coming up, so now is a great time to get into it if you haven't already π
#ThirstySwordLesbians #PoweredByLesbians #AdmirerPlaybook #DarlingBatGames #ttrrpg #ttrpgs #selfPromo
#ThirstySwordLesbians #PoweredByLesbians #admirerplaybook #darlingbatgames #ttrrpg #ttrpgs #selfpromo
Not familiar with The Admirer playbook? It is a playbook about experimentation and self-discovery, and how that interplays with admiration and attraction. The anniversary is coming up, so now is a great time to get into it if you haven't already π
#ThirstySwordLesbians #PoweredByLesbians #AdmirerPlaybook #DarlingBatGames #ttrrpg #ttrpgs #selfPromo
#ThirstySwordLesbians #PoweredByLesbians #admirerplaybook #darlingbatgames #ttrrpg #ttrpgs #selfpromo
Not familiar with The Admirer playbook? It is a playbook about experimentation and self-discovery, and how that interplays with admiration and attraction. The anniversary is coming up, so now is a great time to get into it if you haven't already π
#ThirstySwordLesbians #PoweredByLesbians #AdmirerPlaybook #DarlingBatGames #ttrrpg #ttrpgs #selfPromo
#ThirstySwordLesbians #PoweredByLesbians #admirerplaybook #darlingbatgames #ttrrpg #ttrpgs #selfpromo
Hey #dungeonmasters do you want a place to talk about all things #ttrrpg with like-minded people?
Then join the Icarus Discord:
We've got spaces & resources for players and GMs alike, and plenty of folks willing to hear about your next plotline.
Fellow #dungeonmasters do you want a place to talk about all things #ttrrpg with like-minded people?
Then join the Icarus Discord:
We've got spaces & resources for players and GMs alike, and plenty of folks willing to hear about your next plotline.
I am willing to run 4-5 solo ttprg games via discord (text)
Ping if interested, including what systems you want settings, char details etc.
Tonight's awesome session saw the party cast silence around the big bad's archmage lieutenant in order to silence him in a longer term sense.
They then cast Banishment on one of the PCs so that while on another random plane, they could cast Sequester on a powerful magic item the bad guy wants and prevent him using it to cause abject destruction and misery.
It's a lot, but gotta hand it to these guys - they're making use of those high level spell slots!
Ok tentative interest post, trying to start building a little community and connect with people who vibe with me. Things I'm into and might post about here - i wanna kind of keep this space fun, light, and stress-free as much as possible. I'm a #queer #feminist #genderstudies student, I'm a long time #ttrrpg player (mostly #pathfinder ), I like #scifi and #fantasy and #horror - I study #queerarchives
I like really bad old cameras. If u like crappy 00s style myspace looking pics... expect those
#queer #feminist #genderstudies #ttrrpg #pathfinder #SciFi #fantasy #horror #queerarchives