Después de muchos años usando QuiteRSS como agregador de noticias GUI, quise salir de mi zona de confort, dando un salto hacia #RSSGuard (Qt y C++), elegido tanto por su integración con servicios en linea como #nextcloud news, feedly, #ttrss y otros, ademas de su posibilidad de ser podcatcher, fueron las principales bondades que me convencieron para darle una oportunidad (aunque #newsboat/podboat siga presente cuando estoy en terminal).
Muy feliz, me encuentro. :tux: I ❤️ #rss 📰
#rss #newsboat #ttrss #nextcloud #rssguard
I had forgotten how much time #RSS can save even compared to only visiting the sites in question. I've been using a self-hosted #TTRSS instance for several years but finally got tired of how it rendered on the iPhone. Trying #NetNewsWire now and really like the experience after spending a little while configuring it. Thanks, @brentsimmons !
I use a self-hosted #ttrss to follow feeds, and the largest active (and still growing!) category is comics. The vast majority of the blog feeds I (used to) follow are either dead (as the hosting site shut down) or inactive, last updated some 10 years ago, with few exceptions (among which, the feeds from my own <>).
(And for what it's worth, I still visit the original posts, even when the full article is available in the feed itself.)
I'v been using #TinyTinyRSS from Nixnet for a long time. I realized that the automatic installer of my hosting has #TTRSS available. Also #Wallabag, although when installing this one it tells me that it could only be installed in the root directory. I've also installed #LimeSurvey.
My host is Hostinger and they have all this software available:
#tinytinyrss #ttrss #wallabag #limesurvey
I'v been using #TinyTinyRSS from Nixnet for a long time. I realized that the automatic installer of my hosting has #TTRSS available. Also #Wallabag, although when installing this one it tells me that it could only be installed in the root directory. I've also installed #LimeSurvey.
My host with Hostinger and they have all this software available:
#tinytinyrss #ttrss #wallabag #limesurvey
Das mit den geteilten Lokalnews aus Würzburg hier wird kommende Zeit erst mal humpeln oder ganz wegfallen. Sorry dafür.
Ein für mich wichtiges Tool dabei - #ttrss - hat es zerschossen und ich werde die Gelegenheit nutzen, eine Alternative zu suchen.
Pourquoi dans #TTRSS (Tiny Tiny RSSS) j'ai régulièrement des blogs en rouge grisé? Lorsque je vais dans "Modifier le flux":
Intervalle est à : Désactiver les mises à jour
Alors que je sais que je les avaient mis à 30 minutes.
C'est récurent, il y a certains blogs où je dois régulièrement intervenir dans "Modifier le flux" pour remettre à 30 minutes.
Une idée?
for some reason, #TinyTinyTSS stopped fetching pictures in articles, it only displays text
I'm not rate-limited by IP because I changed my Tor identity when I discovered the problem and suggested it was my IP
it's also not related to the certain bridge because I have problems with feeds going through both and https://rss.nixnet.setvices
what might have happened, I wonder... :thonkpad:
#rss #ttrss
#마스토돈 클라이언트
우리가 아직 순수한 인간인 이상 사고의 확장을 위한 도구는 분명 필요하다. 마스토돈이 기능과 책임을 동시에 이행하기 위해서 스스로의 기능을 제한해야한다면, 그 간극을 메워줄 별도의 다른 시스템을 만들면 되겠지?
Social Media 클라이언트라 하면 그저 발행물을 잘 읽고 쓸 수 있는 용도로만 보는 것은 낡은 관념일 수도?
클라이언트 또한 컬렉터 또는 서버 동작하며, Tiny Tiny RSS 처럼 수집 및 정리 기능을 통해 보다 깊은 사고 전환이 이뤄질 수 있도록 도움을 줄 수 있으면 좋겠다.
컬렉터로 동작하는 모바일 클라이언트는 이미 있었던둣 한데, 웹 앱을 지원하며 마스토돈에 게시할 수 있으면 생산성이 매울 늘어나겠지 싶다.
#Mastodon #TTRSS
Agora a decidir o primeiro uso para a #raspberryPi :
- #pihole para evitar a publicidade
- Servidor rss, #FressRSS ou #ttrss ?
- Galeria de fotos #pigallery2 ou #Photoprism
- #Nextcloud para os arquivos (e moito mais)
#raspberrypi #pihole #fressrss #ttrss #pigallery2 #photoprism #NextCloud
Some work is still needed on #debian #bookworm to sort out all deprecated warnings with #PHP 8.2. #Icingaweb2 and #ttrss need some fixes for that.
#debian #bookworm #php #icingaweb2 #ttrss
by the way, TIL you can create word filters in #TinyTinyRSS that apply to certain feeds only
sharing the knowledge because it's useful
@b30 Bin damals in deinem Blog auch auf diesen aufmerksam geworden.
Da es aber nur per Selfhosting geht, konnte ich diesen leider nie so richtig selbst testen.
Da war ich echt überrascht als @adminforge angekündigt hat von #TTRSS zu #FreshRSS zu wechseln.
Mit, #Piped, #Nitter, #DNS oder #HedgeDoc nutze ich da echt einige Dienste und bin mehr als zufrieden.
#ttrss #freshrss #piped #nitter #dns #hedgedoc
@mj @adminforge Habe ich mir auch schon überlegt von #ttrss wegzugehen aber es funktioniert seit Jahren einfach sehr gut.
tiens, en mettant à jour #ttrss, j'ai des soucis avec l'image docker que j'utilise (mais qui n'est plus très à jour). Heureusement que je "versionne" ce qui m'a permis de revenir sur ma version précédente:
en regardant les derniers commits, je ne voies pas trop ce qui coince...
vous avez rencontré des soucis similaires?
An upgrade of #ttrss lead to it fetching everything again, so I've declared bankruptcy even on stuff I haven't read yet, because it's effectively impossible to figure out what the old state was... 😞
I'm seriously thinking of ditching TTRSS, because it's a pile of crap. I've written feed readers before. The only part that I don't relish doing is the UI. I hear good things about FreshRSS, so I might give that a try first.
For the new years I took stock of how RSS has helped me begin my new year on cutting back on the way I consume content and removing some of the negative aspects of the web. Primarily by feeding most of my internet consumption through RSS feeds.
I published this earlier today on gemini but also copied it over to my web blog!
#ttrss #rss #blog #gemlog #gemini