RT @TOP_oftheTOP
5-member BIGBANG last dance... Received music charts with Masterpiece Feast [CD in Kim Hyun-sik's Drawer]
**Google Trans**
#BigBang #top #choiseunghyun #탑 #최승현 #빅뱅 #tttop
Dropping tags in hopes of finding my fellow #BIGBANG fans AKA #VIPS ✨:verified:
#KwonJiyong #GDRAGON #GD
#DongYoungbae #TAEYANG #SOL
#ChoiSeunghyun #TOP #TTTOP
#KangDaesung #Daesung #D-LITE
#LeeSeunghyun #Seungri #VI
#bigbang #vips #kwonjiyong #gdragon #gd #dongyoungbae #taeyang #sol #choiseunghyun #top #tttop #kangdaesung #daesung #d #leeseunghyun #seungri #vi
But my real #introduction right now is student of mandarin, kannada and tibetan, amateur calligrapher, #GDragon #TTTOP #YangYang fan. #GongYoo nation. Watched #Goblin 20 times over. Sissy. (Can't get past #TheUntamed episode 20). Recluse. Mumbo jumbo expert. 'Gender, what gender?' person. Romantic sitcoms were made for me. I'm that idiot who falls for it all. me.
#TheUntamed #goblin #gongyoo #yangyang #tttop #gdragon #introduction