The great #MasanobuFukuoka, who was the holy fool of 20th century farming, pointed out that we don't actually grow plants cos they grow themselves. That's true of this oca (Oxalis tuberosa) who shows up and grows herself with zero interference from me. She's excellent ground cover for the kale so now I've got a whole bed that just gives me a bunch of food for zero effort.
#oca #oxalisTuberosa #tubers #allotment #gardening #freeFood #lazyAgriculture #masanobuFukuoka #fukuoka #oneTuberRevolution
#masanobufukuoka #oca #oxalistuberosa #tubers #allotment #gardening #freefood #lazyagriculture #fukuoka #onetuberrevolution
The great #MasanobuFukuoka, who was the holy fool of 20th century farming, pointed out that we don't actually grow plants cos they grow themselves. That's true of this oca (Oxalis tuberosa) who shows up and grows herself with zero interference from me. She's excellent ground cover for the kale so now I've got a whole bed that just gives me a bunch of food for zero effort.
#oca #oxalisTuberosa #tubers #allotment #gardening #freeFood #lazyAgriculture #masanobuFukuoka #fukuoka #oneTuberRevolutio
#masanobufukuoka #oca #oxalistuberosa #tubers #allotment #gardening #freefood #lazyagriculture #fukuoka #onetuberrevolutio
Rare native tubers sourced from, Mysore, from various farmers.
These are gonna rest for a couple of months before going inside the ground in January.
Follow the thread for knowing what's each & how they grow.
Spatry is back!
The legendary Linux tuber was totally absent for 2 years but is now again serving his great laughter and informative stuff on the ether.
#Spatry #Linux #CupOfLinux #SteamPlay #Proton #tubers
#spatry #linux #cupoflinux #steamplay #proton #tubers