Oooh I like this one better 🎼 🍊
And now your'e singing that song.
#Trump #Indictment #Indictments #Chumbawumba #TubThumping #SingAlong
#singalong #tubthumping #chumbawumba #indictments #indictment #trump
"The song changed everything. Before ‘Tubthumping’ I felt we were in a mess. We had become directionless and disparate... It’s not our most political or best song, but it brought us back together. The song is about us – as a class and as a band."
#DunstanBruce, #Chumbawumba, 2016
#dunstanbruce #chumbawumba #tubthumping #agitprop
Schön, heute mal wieder dance like nobody is watching mit dem Sohn aufm Sommerfest des Bürger:innenvereins, und wir haben natürlich auch #Tubthumping in die 80er-dominierte Playlist gevoted und sind jetzt alle schlammverschmiert und morgen muskelverkatert. 🥰
Friday mood is totally #Tubthumping by #Chumbawumba, in case you were wondering: