Only actually had to drag *one* boat over 100 yards of sand because the other boat we used was a #Tucktec folding kayak. This was my first time actually trying the thing out. I'm really pretty impressed by this thing. It works pretty well as a boat and setup/put-away time is pretty quick (I suggest doing a practice run the day before). I'm also impressed just by the cleverness of the design--for example, the shoulder strap you carry it with ends up being what holds the seat in place when it's put together.
It's also cool that a boat company got started via Kickstarter.
I was going to post photos of how I modified the chair for my #tucktec #kayak, because I thought that might be interesting.
Unfortunately, literally every photo I took of that chair is from an angle where you can't really see the modification.
Well, anyway, the original (black) chair was terrible, so I tried using a (red) stadium seat.
That turned out to be a very bad idea, because of the way it concentrated the weight. (Which is bad for a folding kayak.) So I bolted on a pair of 2020 aluminum beams to spread out my weight. And it works great.
You can't tell from the photograph, but The majority of the beam is BEHIND the seat, so I can put weight on the chair's back without concentrating my weight.
The photogenic Bethany Hart Gerry in a Tucktec folding kayak on Sebec Lake in mid July.
#family #tucktec #foldingkayak #sebeclake #maine