I have been at the #tucsonfestivalofbooks all day today, and it was wonderful. The #science center!! There are a zillion booths were you can just walk up and talk to a scientist about anything from bees and mushrooms to sun spots and soil. I learned a lot about bee sex and fungal inoculation. I signed some books!! I met Josh Riedel and Hiron Ennis, who are both amazing writers and super nice. I got to see Riley Black dazzle the crowd with dinosaur facts! #book people are the best
#tucsonfestivalofbooks #science #book
You could say I bought a few books today…
I also got to meet these beautiful snakes at the booth of the Tucson Herpitological Society. They are a rosy boa a kingsnake, and a mountain someone I forget what kind.
#snakes #snakesOfMastodon #slitherers #Tucson #TucsonFestivalofBooks #TFOB #herps
#snakes #snakesofmastodon #slitherers #tucson #tucsonfestivalofbooks #tfob #herps
Today I volunteered for a while at #tucsonFestivalofBooks at our Dept of Linguistics booth.
I do have a couple pictures of the booth, but we also got to meet and pat Millie and Gus
#tucsonfestivalofbooks #dogs #DogsOfMastodon #tfob
At second panel with Annalee Newitz. I’d read her non-fiction books. Going to get her new novel The Terraformers.
#tucson #tucsonfestivalofbooks #tfob
First author, Anna Voloshyna. She’s a successful food blogger and cook from #Ukraine. She intersperses talk about dishes and the current sad state of Ukraine. She’s prepping a fried zucchini dish. #TFOB #TucsonFestivalOfBooks #tucson
#tucson #tucsonfestivalofbooks #tfob #Ukraine
At the #TucsonFestivalOfBooks. Huge crowd, very few masks though we are outside. #TFOB has been going on since 2009 with two years off because of the pandemic. They did do a virtual festival in 2021.
In 2 weeks, in #Tucson, #Arizona: The #TucsonFestivalOfBooks.
I could probably spend all of Saturday and all of Sunday going from one session to another and have a great weekend doing it.
Will I? Eh, maybe.
#tucson #arizona #tucsonfestivalofbooks #books #bookstodon