2 "new" rock photos from Tucson. Unusual specimen seen in vendor booth behind glass. No ID on it but I am thinking barite crystals are on a matrix that was hoppered to create that hole. Piece is about 18" diameter and likely weighs 6 pounds. Ideas? #TucsonGemMineralShow
@vickyveritas for whatever unknown reason I am prevented from posting more mineral photos with the hashtag #TucsonGemMineralShow for another few days. Maybe #Mastodon has a limit on images with the same tag or my instance does. Can’t figure it out so I’ll be posting iconic Tucson rest of week here.
#tucsongemmineralshow #mastodon
An impressive, large, and very heavy chunk of botryoidal hematite seen in a vendor booth #TucsonGemMineralShow
Finally have a bit of time to start editing all my Precious from #TucsonGemMineralShow - so many photos, so many great rocks, so little time! After 3 days there, it was a glorious experience. Here's some labradorite, seen in a closeup of a giant countertop slab at Madagascar Minerals. That shop is open year-round in Tucson. #Mineral
#tucsongemmineralshow #mineral
I got some primo rare specimens and can’t wait to share. Later. Just know that I am vibrating with glorious joy. 😄😜😆🤣😊😍❤️
Today the Day! Leaving for Tucson for 3 days #TucsonGemMineralShow
It will be a glorious trip and meeting up with #GPlusRefugee Plusser Twitter #Ivory and fellow Mastodon friend ❤️
#tucsongemmineralshow #gplusrefugee #ivory
Spelled a tag wrong - #TucsonGemMineralShow
New photos I post online in Mastodon will be tagged this way.
Story of the shot in the Flickr TL. I think it was with a P&S camera. Specimen about 9” diameter and priced $25,000 at the time. Most owners don’t want their high end specimens photographed or noted with their name. Yes, investors can get hit with burglary.
@tombarkas this a is a good article and there are more online. Since it was a showcase specimen at the 2019 #TucsonGemMineralShow there is much attention on it. https://www.rockseeker.com/scorpion-turned-into-copper/