At last, a sensible comment on the Aston by-election, triggered by the resignation of one of the worst ever MP’s in living memory, #Tudge. Any not-Tudge candidate, endorsed by a not-Morrison Liberal Party, is likely to win
#auspol #Aston
And I’m angry at our political monoculture, with its show trials to appease the masses and its utter lack of consequence or accountability for ministers’—past or present—actions in office. It’s a tiger without teeth, maintained by bipartisan silence and nods and winks; censure means nothing to the shameless.
This is why I don’t post about #auspol much anymore: it just makes me too angry.
I’m angry that the only consequence #Tudge will see, most likely, is to be parachuted into a sinecure that takes no account of his prior actions.
I’m angry that he’ll receive a secure, supported lifestyle in retirement that’s not subject to looming #Robodebt overreach.
[3/4] #auspol
I’m angry that #Tudge’s children—through no fault of their own—were threatened, but more so that he downplays both the many suicides his programme precipitated and the harrowing loss and suffering that victims’ friends and family continue to endure as somehow less tragic.
I’m angry that the only guilt he appears to feel is in being caught. (And that his children may come, in his stead, to feel guilt for the rest of *their* lives.)
Y’know, I really wanted to write a pithy toot about #Tudge’s departure from parliament, but I’m too angry.
I’m angry that he recklessly oversaw a programme that stole $750 million from Australia’s most vulnerable.
I’m angry that he flounced offstage after exposure by the Royal Commission, and then used his own children to deflect criticism.
No amount of glitter or turd polish applied by the Murdoch drones at @australian will disguise this lump of rank fermenting excreta. #auspol #tudge
Good riddance to the unlamented Alan Tudge, the minister responsible for the appalling 'Jobs-Ready Graduate' package but unfortunately only the last in a long line of insipid, moronic simpletons occupying the education portfolio, especially but not only on the Coalition side. #Tudge #HigherEducation
Tudge, that corrupt, lying, hypocritical turd, is finally departing our parliament, months after dedicating himself to another three years and standing for re-election.
Costing us cash until the last, serving only himself, never us, leaving a trail of mismanagement and broken lives behind him.
Fuck off and don’t come back.
The chickens come home to roost! Our previous Govt was corrupt to the core and aided by a compliant media and public service. #auspol #robodebtRC #lnp #corruption #tudge #porter
#auspol #robodebtrc #lnp #corruption #tudge #porter
All #tudge has pointed out so far with #robodebt is that
1. He is not qualified to be a minister responsible for a portfolio
2. It is all about politics, it has nothing to do with benefitting or improving our country.
3. And like #morrison his family is just part of the political game.
That the media is part of all this says our media in Oz should be recognised as lobbyists not journalists. #auspol
#tudge #robodebt #morrison #auspol
Great thread. Fantastic watching #Tudge squirm on the end of the hook #robodebt #auspol
All #tudge has pointed out so far with #robodebt is that
1. He is qualified to be a minister responsible for a portfolio
2. It is all about politics, it has nothing to do with benefitting or improving our country.
3. And like #morrison his family is just part of the political game.
That the media is part of all this says our media in Oz should be recognised as lobbyists not journalists. #auspol
#tudge #robodebt #morrison #auspol
The “freedom” protesters were furious about regulation designed to prevent a health crisis, but said nothing when a senior federal minister was threatening Australians with prison over debts that were invented by that minister.
No, not that freedom.
One has to believe the relationship between the “freedom” protesters and conservative politicians is as close as sandwich fillings.
It is becoming increasingly, distressingly clear from the testimony of Alan #Tudge, that, where we define "Australians" to mean "The majority of voting Australians in 2016-2021"
Australians believe that everyone receiving the Centrelink payments is a #DoleBludger.
Australians like to kick dole bludgers. Australians love watching Ministers kick dole bludgers.
Ministers know that paying Centerlink benefits of any kind, is bad, because the recipient is a dole bludger.
Taking money away from dole bludgers is good and will result in more votes for you and your party.
Australians, we are arseholes.