#TuesdayColumn: About the fifty year old #pedophile who got cleared of #rape, and why people shouldn't expect #justice from the #CourtOfLaw. #LawAndOrder #legalmatters #politics #Sweden #writing
How Many Knuckles of a Fingering:
#tuesdaycolumn #pedophile #rape #justice #courtoflaw #lawandorder #legalmatters #politics #sweden #writing
#TuesdayColumn: As Swedish pundits try to make #unfaithfulness look like #feministliberation, and put a moratorium upon the judgement against adultresses, I would like to ask them to hold the fucking phone... #adultery #relationship #love
To The Regiment of the Unfaithful:
#tuesdaycolumn #unfaithfulness #feministliberation #adultery #relationship #love
#TuesdayColumn: When pundits complain about men no longer showing #dating initiative, I'm beginning to wonder if they missed the prevailing lesson of #metoo... #romance #feminism #equality #writing
Role of Initiative:
#tuesdaycolumn #dating #metoo #romance #feminism #equality #writing
#TuesdayColumn: #Academics levy scorn upon their #communicators, but until the day that scholars stop actively excluding the public from their work, how else are they to rally #ScienceFunding but to let someone less exclusionary do their talking for them? #Academia #administration #communication #sciencecommunication
When Leeches Talk:
#tuesdaycolumn #academics #communicators #sciencefunding #academia #administration #communication #sciencecommunication
#TuesdayColumn: That moment when yet another democratically elected leader proves themselves an #autocrat, as #India's #NarendraModi rallies his government and its institutions to censor a #documentary about his history with #EthnicCleansing. #politics #writing #Modi
A Democracy for Three Wise Monkeys:
#tuesdaycolumn #autocrat #india #narendramodi #documentary #ethniccleansing #politics #writing #modi
#TuesdayColumn: That moment when #Erdogan outs himself as an #autocrat as opposed to a democrat for confusing the #FreedomOfSpeech for a weak excuse, rather than a #HumanRight. #SwedenVTurkey #QuranBurning #politics #writing
Lip-Service Democracy:
#tuesdaycolumn #erdogan #autocrat #freedomofspeech #humanright #swedenvturkey #quranburning #politics #writing
#TuesdayColumn: This week sets the stage for the #WorldEconomicForum in Davos, where all the Powers of the Planet, corporate and government both, come together to fix everything that's wrong with it. Right? Right?! #WEF2023 #politics #writing #capitalism
A Forum of the Powers:
#tuesdaycolumn #worldeconomicforum #wef2023 #politics #writing #capitalism
#TuesdayColumn: As #Iran sentences #protestors to hang as #EnemiesOfGod, one can only imagine how feeble their #God must be to pick grudges with mere mortals. #IranProtests #politics #religion #writing
An Enemy of a God is its Equal:
#tuesdaycolumn #iran #protestors #enemiesofgod #god #iranprotests #politics #religion #writing
#TuesdayColumn: The new year launches #Sweden's largest #WolfHunt since the eradication of the 19th century, with the long goal of halving the population the since recently #CriticallyEndangered species. #WolfConservation #environmentalism #politics #conservationism #writing
Lead for the Wolf:
#tuesdaycolumn #sweden #wolfhunt #CriticallyEndangered #wolfconservation #environmentalism #politics #conservationism #writing
#TuesdayColumn: How come a species so compulsively social bred such pathological #loneliness? A #StateOfMind so shameful and stigmatized that we hide it like a contagious disease. #wellness #writing #MentalHealth
A Lonely Little Boat:
#tuesdaycolumn #loneliness #stateofmind #wellness #writing #mentalhealth
#TuesdayColumn: As #ElonMusk's #TwitterMeltdown continues, it bears to keep in mind that #Twitter was never some laudable #PublicService good that #Musk now stands poised to despoil. #SocialMedia #writing #Tech #Politics
No Bird is Free in the Aviary:
#tuesdaycolumn #elonmusk #twittermeltdown #twitter #publicservice #musk #socialmedia #writing #tech #politics
#TuesdayColumn: That moment when the Swedish national energy company #Vattenfall would rather rake home earnings from rocketing #PowerPrices during winter than answer to its owners and meet the energy demands of the country. #dystopia #politics #energymarket #writing
Hell Frozen; Services Pending
#tuesdaycolumn #vattenfall #powerprices #dystopia #politics #energymarket #writing
#TuesdayColumn: A study in integrity; when the #US call foul when someone else gets caught #ArmsSmuggling into #Yemen. Other than the US themselves, of course... #hypocrisy #geopolitics #YemenWar #Iran #writing
John Mirra - Arms Smuggler
#tuesdaycolumn #us #armssmuggling #yemen #hypocrisy #geopolitics #yemenwar #iran #writing
#TuesdayColumn: Suing the government for failing to tackle #ClimateChange might not bear vindicating fruits, but if there ever was a good reason for a lawsuit... #GretaThunberg #environmentalism #politics #writing
A Sustainable Litigation:
#tuesdaycolumn #climatechange #gretathunberg #environmentalism #politics #writing
#TuesdayColumn: Much is said about #WarCrimes in the #UkraineWar, reported and UN verified from both sides. But regardless of which news cycle you adher to, this is undeniably true: There wouldn't be any war crimes in Ukraine if Russia had stayed at home. #writing #politics
The War-Time Blame-Game:
#tuesdaycolumn #warcrimes #UkraineWar #writing #politics
#TuesdayColumn: It is not without a pang of disdain that I watch a justified generation protest #ClimateChange and the #SixthExtinction by pointlessly failing to destroy art. #VanGoghAttack #TheLastGeneration #AttentionWhoring #writing #environmentalism #ecoterrorism
The Flaccid Generation:
#tuesdaycolumn #climatechange #sixthextinction #vangoghattack #thelastgeneration #attentionwhoring #writing #environmentalism #ecoterrorism
#TuesdayColumn: They say that if you #SmileAtTheWorld, the world smiles back. No one told you that the world will also pass you by, disinterested with your vapid grin. #MentalHealth #writing #MakingFriends
Happy Happy Circumvention:
#tuesdaycolumn #smileattheworld #mentalhealth #writing #makingfriends
#TuesdayColumn: That moment when the #CCP claims their #ImperialistExpansion is a "domestic affair" while it expands its domestic law enforcement agency into 30 countries worldwide, we're obligated to call them on their stink of #hypocrisy. #China #politics #worldpolice #writing #GlobalistCommunist
A Red and Watchful Eye:
#tuesdaycolumn #ccp #imperialistexpansion #hypocrisy #china #politics #worldpolice #writing #globalistcommunist
#TuesdayColumn: That moment when you realise where the British #ConservativeParty's nickname "#Tory" comes from, and suddenly #BritishPolitics makes much more sense... #politics #etymology #writing #UK
The Tories' Rightful Name:
#tuesdaycolumn #conservativeparty #tory #britishpolitics #politics #etymology #writing #uk
#TuesdayColumn: When #ElonMusk says that he can't pay indefinately for Ukraine's #Starlink, remember that the #RichestManInTheWorld can absolutely pay for it, only that he doesn't want to unless you remember that he is. #exhibitionism #writing #IncomeInequality
Philanthropy for the Lime Light:
#tuesdaycolumn #elonmusk #starlink #richestmanintheworld #exhibitionism #writing #incomeinequality