The beauty of the paperless office is that you can automate workflows. But maybe you are not familiar with all the capabilities of automation in DEVONthink or don’t know when which one makes sense? Here are the main options and when it’s best to use each. #devonthink #pkm #paperless #automation #applescript #workflow #productivity #tuesdaytip
#devonthink #pkm #paperless #automation #applescript #workflow #productivity #tuesdaytip
Happy hacking! 😃
Taking a horse out for a hack is meant to be an enjoyable experience and a great way to explore the outdoors and build a bond with your horse. 🌳
Here are some tips to help you and your horse enjoy the ride! 🐴
#TeachMe #TuesdayTip
WikiLinks are one of many ways of making connections between documents and items in DEVONthink and DEVONthink To Go, turning your database into its own wiki. Here is how to use them. #devonthink #devonthinktogo #wiki #wikilinks #pkm #productivity #tuesdaytip
#devonthink #devonthinktogo #wiki #wikilinks #pkm #productivity #tuesdaytip
As you're working with your document collection, you may need to open another document from time to time. For this, DEVONthink offers several ways for quickly accessing documents, like the Favorites. If it's not something you want to add as a favorite, here's another quick way to open a document. #devonthink #pkm #productivity #tuesdaytip
#devonthink #pkm #productivity #tuesdaytip
Over the years, we have had many people migrate to DEVONthink for one reason or another. One application people have switched from is Evernote. If you are considering making such a move, here is how to switch and what to expect. #devonthink #notetaking #productivity #pkm #evernote #tuesdaytip (we know, it's Wednesday this week 🙃)
#devonthink #notetaking #productivity #pkm #evernote #tuesdaytip
Sometimes we use several names for the same thing, like nicknames or acronyms. In #DEVONthink you can use such #aliases for documents and more, e.g., tags. Here's what you can do with them. #tuesdaytip #paperless #workflow#tagging #productivity #pkm
#devonthink #aliases #tuesdaytip #paperless #workflow #productivity #pkm
Over time, viewing things on screen can become more difficult. Changing the interface isn’t something that’s simply done and everyone has their own level of correction needed. Here are a few ways to make things a bit easier on your eyes. #accessibility #macos #mac #iphone #ipad #devonthink #devonthinktogo #tuesdaytip
#accessibility #macos #mac #iphone #ipad #devonthink #devonthinktogo #tuesdaytip
One of the features #Apple added to their operating systems is #LiveText. It uses the device's camera to dynamically detect text in whatever it's pointed at. Here's how you can use this feature to #scan text into a document in #DEVONthinkToGo. #tuesdaytip #notetaking #productivity #workflow
#apple #livetext #scan #devonthinktogo #tuesdaytip #notetaking #productivity #workflow
#DEVONthink is a good place to build a digital book collection. If you are a user of the Pro or Server edition, you can add custom metadata to your #ebooks from the millions of books available in #GoogleBooks with a script. Here is, how to do that. #tuesdaytip #workflow #automation #paperless #ebook
#devonthink #ebooks #googlebooks #tuesdaytip #workflow #automation #paperless #ebook
Smart rules are a powerful #automation tool in #DEVONthink, allowing the application to act on matching documents. Used wisely, they can be great allies in the quest to #organize your databases. Here’s how you can easily share smart rules. #tuesdaytip #workflow #smartrules #productivity #pkm
#automation #devonthink #organize #tuesdaytip #workflow #smartrules #productivity #pkm
In customer #support, we receive many questions every day on different topics and it is not uncommon for people to ask the same question others have asked before. Therefore we offer another form of support for quick access: a #FAQ section on our website. Here you can learn more about it. #devonthink #devonthinktogo #devonagent #tuesdaytip
#support #faq #devonthink #devonthinktogo #devonagent #tuesdaytip
#DEVONthink offers a wide range of features and therefore has a complex, multi-layered interface with numerous elements. To avoid stumbling over terminology being used in our forum, handbook, or elsewhere, we created a tutorial. #tip #tuesdaytip #tutorial #pkm #productivity
#devonthink #tip #tuesdaytip #tutorial #pkm #productivity
Perhaps you like to use #Markdown for your notes, but need to write mathematical formulas from time to time. The extension lets you do exactly that: edit and render documents with terms and equations directly in #DEVONthink. Here is, how that works. #pkm #academia #notetaking #math #tuesdaytip
#markdown #devonthink #pkm #academia #notetaking #math #tuesdaytip
In a search, your search term can refer to different contexts, such as the name of the document or the content. Using search prefixes in #DEVONthink and #DEVONthinkToGo allows you to focus your searches by narrowing down to the context you're searching on. Here is how that works. #pkm #productivity #tuesdaytip
#devonthink #devonthinktogo #pkm #productivity #tuesdaytip
Tuesday tip: Believe in yourself and all that you are.
Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle 💪🏼 #TuesdayTip #BelieveInYourself
#tuesdaytip #believeinyourself
Quite a few herbs will root in water: e.g. Mint, Basil, Rosemary, Sage. This is Rosemary photographed on a piece of slate. Once it is rooted this well, plant in fresh compost and keep moist & out of strong sunshine & heat until fully established.
#Tuesday #TuesdayTip #grown #grownnotflown #allotment #grow #growyourown #greenhouse #Herb #HerbGarden #Rooted #Cutting
#tuesday #tuesdaytip #grown #grownnotflown #Allotment #grow #growyourown #greenhouse #herb #HerbGarden #rooted #cutting
Contrary to popular belief it cost little to nothing to not be an asshole 😎 #Tuesday #tuesdaytip
RT @LloydLegalist
Here’s a friendly idea: Save the business card of someone you don't like so that if one day you accidentally hit a parked car, you can just write "sorry" on the back and leave it on their windshield. #TuesdayTip #TheMoreYouKnow #businesscard
#tuesdaytip #businesscard #themoreyouknow
#TuesdayTip! If you currently have an active grant with us, then your Chair could be eligible for a year's FREE membership to @AssocOfChairs! Find out more on our website, alongside more of our capacity building support for #SmallButVital charities