@TfTHacker loving the Tufte Style Sidenotes in Obsidian. THANKS
#tufte #sidenotes #obsidian
Currently experimenting with adapting the @pandoc output from #Markdown to #HTML to work with the awesome #CSS built for #arxiv by @dginev. I could also use #pandoc to convert to #LaTeX and then use #LaTeXML through their https://github.com/dginev/ar5ivist tool for #arxiv but why the round-trip? The changes are yet incomplete as not all font things are adjusted and right now all footnotes are represented through the same symbol. Yet, I'm quite happy with the intermediate results :-)
This gives me reactive footnotes, either in the margins (almost #Tufte style) or through hovering, nicer link highlighting, quite acceptably justified text (I'm surprised how far the web has come). I didn't yet tweak the fonts further and I want to keep my code indented.
Left: Run through pandoc with custom HTML template & some #Lua filters
Right: Current state as seen on https://ljrk.codeberg.page/unixv6-alloc.html produced with a minimalist CSS stylesheet I stole from somewhere.
#markdown #html #css #arxiv #pandoc #latex #latexml #tufte #lua
Edward Tufte offers two principles for making efficient graphical representations:
- erase non-data-ink, within reason.
- erase redundant data-ink, within reason.
Above all, show the data! Tufte
Do you know that you can get Tufte's "MAXIMAL DATA, MINIMAL INK" theme for plots in a single click with @LabPlot via Theme > Tufte?
Get the project via File > Open Example.
#LabPlot #Tufte #ChartJunk #Data-Ink-Ratio #DataViz #InfoViz #Visualization #CognitiveLoad #Minimalism #Simplicity #OpenSource
#Simplicity #Data #chartjunk #OpenSource #minimalism #CognitiveLoad #visualization #infoviz #dataviz #tufte #labplot
#MareyCharts are fascinating. I recall seeing them on a book like #Tufte's "The Visual Display of Quantitative Information". This is a good explainer, "How can a Marey chart help analyze the flow of work?": https://www.3cs.ch/analyze-work-flow-with-marey-chart/
But boy! Ain't it worth the font
Said a #tufte fan
Why do you rob the bank?
Because that's where you keep all the money
First page in one of his books
#Rstats people who write articles & presentations may like this:
#thesisdown https://github.com/ismayc/thesisdown
#rmdformats https://github.com/juba/rmdformats
#rticles https://github.com/rstudio/rticles
#tufte https://rstudio.github.io/tufte/
#prettydoc https://prettydoc.statr.me/
#manuscriptPackage https://github.com/jhollist/manuscriptPackage
#rmarkdown-website-template https://github.com/privefl/rmarkdown-website-template
#template https://github.com/cboettig/template
#manuscriptPackage https://github.com/jhollist/manuscriptPackage
#uiucthemes https://github.com/illinois-r/uiucthemes
#CSUNtemplate https://github.com/carlganz/CSUNtemplate
#rstats #thesisdown #rmdformats #rticles #tufte #prettydoc #manuscriptPackage #rmarkdown #template #uiucthemes #CSUNtemplate
> A.. finding in this work is.. that the.. participants without technical training..performed just as well as the group.. with.. technical training ... #visualizations make it easier for people lacking quantitative experience to understand your results.. to level the playing field. If you want your findings to be.. accessible, it’s probably better to present a visualization.. if someone is having trouble interpreting your visualizations, it’s.. your fault.
Today in "books I really should own already"... Getting new books is always nice though!
#rstats #tufte #datavisualisation
Gotta love #tufte references: "Think Your App Is Beautiful? Not Without User Experience Design" http://buhlig.us/1uDqw0V by @dfeldman