@knizer@toot.boston · @knizer
263 followers · 1531 posts · Server toot.boston

Ranked by student population, Boston area hashes


per en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_

#highered #sattlercollege #saintjohnsseminary #bostongraduateschoolofpsychoanalysis #helleniccollegeandholycrossgreekorthodoxschooloftheology #bostonbaptistcollege #northbennetstreetschool #hebrewcollege #longyschoolofmusicofbardcollege #longyschool #newenglandcollegeofoptometry #baystatecollege #baystate #benjaminfranklincummingsinstituteoftechnology #newenglandlaw #bostonarchitecturalcollege #urbancollegeofboston #easternnazarenecollege #williamjamescollege #newenglandconservatory #labourecollege #mghinstituteofhealthprofessions #fishercollege #roxburycommunitycollege #laselluniversity #massachusettscollegeofartanddesign #emmanuelcollege #hultinternationalbusinessschool #cambridgecollege #currycollege #quincycollege #wentworthinstituteoftechnology #lesleyuniversity #emersoncollege #bentleyuniversity #brandeisuniversity #simmonsuniversity #berkleecollegeofmusic #berkleecollege #suffolkuniversity #massachusettscollegeofpharmacyandhealthsciences #bunkerhillcommunitycollege #bhcc #massachusettsinstituteoftechnology #mit #tuftsuniversity #Tufts #bostoncollege #universityofmassachusettsboston #umass #harvarduniversity #harvard #NortheasternUniversity #neu #bostonuniversity #Bu

Last updated 1 year ago

W.A.Masters · @wamasters
74 followers · 28 posts · Server mastodon.social

In at dusk, here's a gif of the new train heading to . Photo taken from the new bike path extension. It's a lovely good-bye to 2022 -- we'll catch a return trip back to work @tuftsnutrition in 2023!

#somerville #mbta #greenline #tuftsuniversity #glx

Last updated 2 years ago

kilombavita · @kilombavita
208 followers · 539 posts · Server rage.love
AIF-Massachusetts · @AIF_Massachusetts
265 followers · 306 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Heads up, and and folks, there's been another bomb threat at Tufts, possibly connected to more white supremacists' perceived grievances. Use caution when out and about and expect more traffic and police presence than usual.


#tuftsuniversity #somervillema #medfordma #cambridgema

Last updated 2 years ago

AIF-Massachusetts · @AIF_Massachusetts
244 followers · 260 posts · Server kolektiva.social

This is where we're at folks. Bomb threats at for fueling what the perpetrators called "anti-white racism."

Let's be clear: what they are calling anti-white racism is nothing more than diversity, inclusion, and the challenging of white supremacy.

The bomb threats at yesterday were no more about actual racism than the bomb threats at were about actually protecting children.

Rather, these (and other) incidents of right-wing violence are about punishing out-groups for daring to advocate against historic systems of oppression (white supremacy, the patriarchy). All of these threats and attacks are intended to further the reach of fascism in the US.

Suffice it to say, you should not expect these types of threats to go away without work. Fascism doesn't go away just because you ignore it. Just crack open your history book and turn to the pages on pre-WWII to remind yourself if you're doubting this.

Being "respectable" will not stop these attacks.

Taking the high road will not stop these attacks.

Peacefully protesting will not stop these attacks.

Voting will absolutely not stop these attacks (although we still recommend you do it for other reasons).

Outing fascists and making their lives so difficult that it's impossible for them to organize, plan, or recruit others WILL stop these attacks. Dismantling the discriminatory systems of power that give these folks power will also help immensely.

We have the power to do this. There are enough of us. We just need to step up as a community and do it.


#tuftsuniversity #Tufts #BostonChildrensHospital

Last updated 2 years ago

usfoodpolicy · @usfoodpolicy
21 followers · 12 posts · Server mastodon.social

What fun this week to have lunch with this lovely group of Friedman School colleagues and Dan Glickman (former USDA secretary, Congressperson from Kansas, Motion Picture Association lobby leader, and co-chair of a task force for the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health).

#tuftsuniversity #tuftsnutrition

Last updated 2 years ago

Peter Levine · @peterlevine
314 followers · 16 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

I'm a prof. ( ) at & academic dean of Tufts' Tisch College. I study and . Some of us are trying to build "Civic Studies" as a new interdisciplinary field. (I might as well hashtag that: .) I also work on in K-12 schools. My most recent book is _What Should We Do? A Theory of Civic Life_ (Oxford University Press, 2022). I've blogged 3-5 times/ week since 2003 at peterlevine.ws

#introduction #philosophy #politicalscience #tuftsuniversity #civicengagement #politicaltheory #civicstudies #civiceducation

Last updated 2 years ago