Untitled photo, possibly related to: #TulareCounty, #California. #FarmSecurityAdministrationFSA) camp for migratory agricultural workers. Nursery school children with their teacher, who is assigned to the camp by #WorksProgressAdministrationWPA). Steel shelters in background
#tularecounty #california #farmsecurityadministrationfsa #worksprogressadministrationwpa
#TulareCounty, #California. #FarmSecurityAdministrationFSA) camp for migratory agricultural workers. Nursery school children with their teacher, who is assigned to the camp by #WorksProgressAdministrationWPA). Steel shelters in background
#tularecounty #california #farmsecurityadministrationfsa #worksprogressadministrationwpa
that >150 AQI romance #tularecounty #farmland #SanJoaquinValley
#tularecounty #farmland #SanJoaquinValley
Auto camp which rents tent space where migrant citrus workers live. #TulareCounty, #California
#tularecounty #california #photography #dorothealange
Women in auto camp for migrant citrus workers. #TulareCounty, #California
#tularecounty #california #photography #dorothealange
#TulareCounty, #California. #FarmSecurityAdministration (#FSA) camp for migratory agricultural workers at #Farmersville. Nurse of #AgriculturalWorkersHealthandMedicalAssociation attends sick migrant woman while awaiting doctor
#tularecounty #california #farmsecurityadministration #fsa #farmersville #agriculturalworkershealthandmedicalassociation #photography #dorothealange
#TulareCounty, #California. #FarmSecurityAdministration (#FSA) camp for migratory agricultural workers at #Farmersville. Nurse of #AgriculturalWorkersHealthandMedicalAssociation attends sick migrant woman while awaiting doctor
#tularecounty #california #farmsecurityadministration #fsa #farmersville #agriculturalworkershealthandmedicalassociation #photography #dorothealange
#TulareCounty, #California. #FarmSecurityAdministration (#FSA) camp for migrant agricultural workers. Nursery school children. Row of prefabricated steel shelters in which their families live shown in background
#tularecounty #california #farmsecurityadministration #fsa #photography #dorothealange
Eye chart, but here's the PIO Map from CAL FIRE Tulare on current #flood extent in #TulareCounty
A great Central Valley writer whose phenomenal book on how Tulare Lake was drained is of course Mark Arax. The King of California, co-authored with Rick Wartzman, tells how Boswell drained Tulare Lake to grow cotton and was part of shaping the over-extractive agricultural culture that persists in California's valley today: https://www.publicaffairsbooks.com/titles/mark-arax/the-king-of-california/9780786752799/
#SJVwater #KingofCalifornia #MarkArax #book #books #bookrecommendations #agriculture #farming #SanJoaquin #CentralValley #TulareLake #weather #california #flood #atmosphericriver #history #agribusiness #storm #tularecounty #WaterPolitics @bookstadon
#sjvwater #kingofcalifornia #markarax #book #books #bookrecommendations #agriculture #farming #sanjoaquin #centralvalley #tularelake #weather #california #flood #atmosphericriver #history #agribusiness #storm #tularecounty #waterpolitics
Update on #TulareCounty #Flood response (from CALFIRE) - apologies for lack of alt text.
#TulareCounty #California - Evacuation Shelter Update by Tulare County Sheriff's Office
Small Livestock > Tulare County Fairgrounds, 620 South K St., Tulare
[Enter in Gate 7]
Animals can be dropped off between 8a.m. – 7p.m.
#TULARECOUNTY, #California Evacuation orders have been issued Sunday morning for Alpaugh and Allensworth areas
Sheriff Boudreaux [TCSO] issued the orders due to impassable roads creating the possibility of residents becoming stranded.
2/6 #KernCounty: Lake Isabella Senior Center (6405 Lake Isabella Blvd, Lake Isabella, CA 93240
#SanLuisObispoCounty: Cal Poly Campus Crandall Hall (1 Grand Ave, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407)
With the incoming winter storms a current #floodwatch for #TulareCounty, two local Temporary Evacuation Points (TEPs) have been set up to assist residents who are in need of information and resources or who may become displaced due to flooding. They are located at:
#kerncounty #sanluisobispocounty #temporaryevacuationpoints #floodwatch #tularecounty
6 Shot Dead, Including Mother and Baby, at California Home https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/16/us/shooting-goshen-california.html?smid=tw-share #tularecounty