geographile · @geographile
56 followers · 1404 posts · Server

@shlepcar I remember my mom telling me about the kids from playing against the kids from , and I remember having my mouth washed out for using the n-word before I knew what it meant, but I don't remember my mom telling me that the kids from tule lake, some of whom lost their lives fighting in @WorldWarii, were wrongly. And I wish she had.

I think she assumed I would understand, because she hated the , but I think that though I understood, i, and the rest of my early 60s late Boomer cohort, would have benefited from having it spelled out.

When I feel , it's because I realized that so many of these people have already died and apologies are too late. Making ? Too late.

#tulelake #football #alturas #incarcerated #incarceration #old #amends

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1305 followers · 2936 posts · Server

Today in Labor History June 1, 1873: Captain Jack (Kintpuash), who led a band of 52 Modoc warriors against the U.S. army near Tule Lake, California, finally surrendered to U.S. troops. The fight was part of the Modoc Wars, in which the Modoc tribe (southern Oregon and Northern California) resisted domination by the U.S. Captain Jack had led the most expensive Indian War in US history. They were highly successful, too, until the U.S. brought in significant reinforcements, encircled them, starved them out, and many of Captain Jack’s own warriors joined with the U.S. forces to help capture him. It was also the only time Indigenous Americans killed a U.S. general. For decades, Kintpuash’s head was displayed in the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #indigenous #nativeamerican #captainjack #Modoc #indianwars #kintpuash #genocide #tulelake

Last updated 1 year ago

Sic Transit Philadelphia · @SicTransitPHL
523 followers · 564 posts · Server