'Another Fallen Tree Branch'
In Weston Woods - some light getting through to the scene of a fallen branches, resting on the ground though it bow reach up to near shoulder height.
#TumbledTrees #Branches #DiffuseLight #BlackAndWhitePhotography #PhotogSocial
#tumbledtrees #branches #diffuselight #blackandwhitephotography #photogsocial
1. 'Tumbled Tree Branches'
In Weston Woods - light though gets through the overgrown canopy and spills gently onto the scene of a tumbled tree's branches, strewn above the wood's floor.
2. 'Looking for a Way Out'
Entrance & exit point for my Woods walk today. A path between railings and a block wall.
3. 'On the Way Out this One'
A leaning water hydranrt sign-post in undergrowth I passed on my way out.
#TumbledTrees #Branches #DiffuseLight #SignPost #BlackAndWhitePhotography #PhotogSocial
#tumbledtrees #branches #diffuselight #signpost #blackandwhitephotography #photogsocial
'Tumbled Tree Branches'
In Weston Woods again this morning, where the light was better but a bit hit or miss. Still in relative gloom under the canopy of trees - light though gets through the overgrowth and spills gently onto the scene of a tumbled tree's branches, strewn above the wood's floor.
#TumbledTrees #Branches #DiffuseLight #BlackAndWhitePhotography #PhotogSocial
#tumbledtrees #branches #diffuselight #blackandwhitephotography #photogsocial