The story about the Carpathia’s heroic efforts to save the survivors of the Titanic was so much more powerful than I’d ever known. Highly recommended reading.
#titanic #carpathia #tumbr #storytime
@berkough @xorn @trebach @duk @molly0xfff +9001%
#Mainstream #MassMedia seem to be ignorant or think they are "too good" for #Patreon, #Kachingle, #Flattr or just a #Monero #donation button.
Because then they'd admit that their real competition pububhes on #NSAbook, :birdsite: , #TikTok, #Medium, #Tumbr, #Substack, #Cohost & #HackerNews...
#hackernews #Cohost #substack #tumbr #medium #TikTok #NSAbook #donation #monero #flattr #kachingle #Patreon #massmedia #mainstream
Perhaps #Tumbr or #Firefox with #activitypub is where journos will end up congregating on the #Fediverse.
#tumbr #firefox #activitypub #fediverse
@leoboulton Yes yes YES! 1,000 X YES. I want this! (Use a blog with #mastodon)
#Wordpress (I hear) can interop with #mastodon
#tumbr will soon interop with Mastodon looks VERY promising
#markdown support
#RSS support
Keep @davew in the loop. He has some VERY cool stuff in the pipeline, especially his recent #FeedLand service
I don't fully understand Feedland but like what I see so far.
#mastodon #wordpress #tumbr #micro #markdown #rss #feedland
Really excited to hear the news of #tumbr implementing the #activitypub soon :blobcathyper:
Tumblr used to be my favorite website on internet for a long time, having it integrated into the fediverse is super exciting :ablobcatbongopost: :ablobcatbongopost:
@Piciok @pitermach @jaczad Cześć. Ja jak się nic nie wydarzy, to będę was słuchał.
Jest to bardzo ciekawy temat. Być może #mastodon i całe #fediwerse oparte na #ActivityPup wyprą komercyjne #sosialmedia i staną się nową jakościią w internecie.
Ja z tego co wiem to #tyflopodcast i #tyfloświat stoją na #wordpress i tutaj możnaby było zastosować wtyczkę do wordpressa która umożliwiłaby śledzenie i interakcje z tymi serwisami przez inne konta np z mastodona.
Fajna sprawa by to była.
A wiadomość z dzisiaj z mastodona, serwis blogowy #tumbr też chce zaimplementować activitypub w celu większej integracji z fediwerse.
#Mastodon #Fediwerse #ActivityPup #sosialmedia #tyflopodcast #tyfloświat #wordpress #tumbr
Techcrunch lancia una notizia-bomba che se confermata darà una svolta al fediverso:
Tumblr aggiungerà il supporto per #ActivityPub, il protocollo sociale che alimenta #Mastodon e altre applicazioni del fediverso!
#Tumbr, seppur in risalita di popolarità, non è più attivo come in passato ma si stima abbia poco meno di 17 milioni di utenti attivi, ben 8 volte quelli di mastodon e potrebbero portare presto il #fediverso verso i 20 milioni di utenti attivi!
#activitypub #mastodon #tumbr #fediverso
Hold on to your servers, Tumblr is joining the fediverse in the near future!
#tumbr #acticitypub #mastodon #fediverse