Wendi Aarons argues that "The tunic comes for all" and "When you're a woman over forty, a tunic wears you." I'm definitely in the correct tunic demographic. However, instead of tunics, I've found myself drawn to coveralls. Same sentiment, just a different outward expression. I'm wearing motherfucking coveralls now!"
https://boingboing.net/2022/11/18/shes-wearing-tunics-now.html #McSweeneys #WendiAarons #tunics #motherfuckingcoveralls
#mcsweeneys #wendiaarons #tunics #motherfuckingcoveralls
An excerpt from Wendi Aarons' latest book is up at McSweeny's now, and it's hilarious.
"In my tunic, you can’t see any of the middle part of my middle-aged body. I’m shrouded in mystery. I’m a stylish enigma. I’m a greying fortune cookie with a fortune inside it that says, “Fuck you, I was in shape in the eighties.”"
#humor #mcsweenys #wendiaarons #tunics
Polkadot bulls flock in, driving the DOT up https://cryptoplayboys.blogspot.com/2021/12/polkadot-bulls-flock-in-driving-dot-up.html?spref=tw #polkadot #bitcoin #ethereum #fashion #cryptocurrency #crypto #polkadots #cardano #style #dogecoin #blockchain #binance #dress #classy #btc #modestfashion #denim #ruffles #modestinspiration #modesty #tunics
#polkadot #bitcoin #ethereum #fashion #cryptocurrency #crypto #polkadots #cardano #style #Dogecoin #blockchain #binance #dress #classy #BTC #modestfashion #denim #ruffles #modestinspiration #modesty #tunics