Progress is slow on my #stitchSampler blanket where I'm currently working with the #tunisianOceanStitch
The stitch repeat in itself isn't hard, but since even the return pass differs on the two row repeat, the trick is knowing which row you are on as they start and end differently.
I think I got it figured out now though, after unraveling the last few rows three times.
#stitchsampler #tunisianoceanstitch
Working on mastering the Tunisian Ocean Stitch. It'll be part of a stitch sampler blanket (lap blanket perhaps).
I'm getting there, just a bit more practice needed.
#tunisianCrochet #crochet #practice #tunisianOceanStitch #lapBlanket #blanket
#tunisianCrochet #crochet #practice #tunisianoceanstitch #lapblanket #blanket