RT @_Seebruecke_
Mit 65 weiteren Organisationen und Gruppen haben wir heute ein Statement zur aktuellen Situation in #Tunesien veröffentlicht. Wir verdeutlichen damit, dass Tunesien kein sogenanntes „sicheres Herkunftsland“ für tunesische Staatsbürger*innen ist. #TunisiaNotSafe
#Tunisia is not safe! In a joint statement together with over 60 other organisations, we call on the #EU and its member states to end support for Tunisian migration control – and instead start working towards safe #migration routes for all! https://sos-humanity.org/en/our-mission/change/joint-statement-tunisia #TunisiaNotSafe
#tunisianotsafe #migration #EU #tunisia
RT @RefugeesTunisia
Tunisia is not safe, we want to evacuate. #EvacuateRefugeesFromTunisia
#evacuaterefugeesfromtunisia #unhcr #tunisianotsafe
#Tunisia is not a safe place! This is evidenced by the shocking experiences of @RefugeesTunisia@twitter.com, as well as a statement by @UNHumanRights@twitter.com denouncing the outbreak of racist violence, arbitrary arrests and hate speech in the country #TunisiaNotSafe https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/04/tunisia-must-immediately-stop-hate-speech-and-violence-against-migrants
RT @RefugeesTunisia: Heavy rains here in Tunisia today, and there are more than 100 people who do not have a tent to protect them from the rain. The situation is very bad. Please save us. Tunisia is not safe. We only want evacuation. #EvacuateRefugeesFromTunisia #UNHCR #TunisiaNotSafe https://t.co/dOGNaPgquk
#EvacuateRefugeesFromTunisia #unhcr #tunisianotsafe