Irgendwie brauche ich noch mal mehr Hilfe für die Stunts bei #tunnelsandtrolls. Im Regeltext der aktuellen Edition werden die ja kaum erwähnt -- ein Satz über Rettungswürfe im Kampf. Hingegen wird ausdrücklich betont, dass T&T KEINE detaillierte Abhandlung einzelner Attacken gegen einzelne Gegner hat, sondern NUR die summarische Aufrechnung zwischen SC und Gegnern. Die "Spielpraxis", lese ich überall, sei aber doch, dass über Stunts Einzelaktionen laufen. Wie denn nun? #pnpde
#tunnelsandtrolls -Freundeskreis, ewigjunges Thema "abstrakter Kampf." Habt ihr noch Beispiele für Aktionen seitens der Spieler*innen abseits der Basic-Kampfrunde und den Einfluss aufs Kampfgeschehen?
There's a discussion of the different types of magic uses by various kindreds (fairies, leprechauns, elves etc) on the Tunnels & Trolls forum, and all I could think of, somewhat unhelpfully, was this:
#rpg #tunnelsandtrolls #monstersmonsters
everything is d10-based instead of d6, there are #Traveller-like lifepaths, combat is more fine-grained and more lethal, but the bones and muscle are so close to #MSPE that it goes in my #TunnelsAndTrolls stack, not the #FASA stack.
I don't feel strongly about the #RenegadeLegion setting as presented in the book. the overwhelmingly powerful fascist New Roman Empire vs fractious human and alien polities feels like very early Baen Books, if you catch my drift.
#traveller #MSPE #tunnelsandtrolls #fasa #renegadelegion #rpg #milsf #flyingbuffalo
Tag 10: "Favorite Tie-In Fiction"
Ich habe bisher nur ganz wenige Rollenspielromane und Comics gefunden, die ich mochte.
Aber das einzige #TunnelsAndTrolls Computerspiel aus dem Hause New World Computing von Jon van Caneghem (Might and Magic) habe ich geliebt. Ein optisch ausgesprochen hässliches, von Bugs geplagtes CRPG, das aber den Humor und das Flair von T&T sehr gut vermittelte. Es fühlte sich wirklich fast wie eine gute Pen&Paper Runde an!
#tunnelsandtrolls #rpgaday2023 #rpgaday #pnpde
#rpgaday2023 das älteste Spiel? #dnd habe ich tatsächlich erst ab 3.5 gespielt und die älteren Varianten nur in Form der #osr, allerdings schon ältere Module nachgeholt. #runequest nur in Form von #stormbringer und #cthulhu. So bleibt die Ehre wohl #tunnelsandtrolls , der wunderbar bekifften fairy godmother der Rollenspiele, bei der du einfach immer 1w6 mehr bekommst!
#rpgaday2023 #dnd #osr #runequest #Stormbringer #cthulhu #tunnelsandtrolls
The old rags with monsters makes me think of systems where monsters are abstracted. In T&T you can run an encounter from just the MR number. All game mechanics derive from that number, and the sparseness means you have to fill it with meaning. It can still be a bag of hit points, if you like.
Are the game mechanics for the monsters in Pegasus Magazine adding more than that MR value? I guess they should do, shouldn't they?
#GameMastering #PegasusMagazine #ttrpg #TunnelsAndTrolls #Monsters
#gamemastering #pegasusmagazine #ttrpg #tunnelsandtrolls #monsters
Not a fan of actual play videos (as opposed to actual play podcasts) since RPGs are primarily verbal, so I've not watched this, but Steve Crompton linked to it as it's a game using the new edition of Monsters! Monsters! -
#rpg #actualplay #monstersmonsters #tunnelsandtrolls
@LeviKornelsen 1/2 I prefer TTRPG tools that are mechanically elegant and efficient, and convey strong sense-of-place (in other words, rules-lite and theme-heavy). I like playing #fiction_first and to #find_out_what_happens with #Open rules systems. Began with #TunnelsandTrolls, then #Indie, then all about #OSR, but of late have been running #Beeswox (my complilation of #World_of_X resources) and started to explore #FKR. Preferred genres are #SwordandSorcery, #Space_Adventure, #Bronze_Age_Supers
#fiction_first #find_out_what_happens #open #indie #osr #beeswox #world_of_x #fkr #space_adventure #bronze_age_supers #tunnelsandtrolls #swordandsorcery
I am reading the Blackmoor "inspired recreation" *Dragons at Dawn* by D.H. Boggs and it amazes me how much it reminds me of T&T.
#tunnelsandtrolls #dragonsatdawn #blackmoor
@LeviKornelsen cool idea. I'm into #battletech, #alphastrike, #glorantha, #talislanta, testing new small weird games, #boardgaming, #savageworlds is one of my favourite games as is #CallOfCthulhu. I like quirky game sub-systems and rich settings and gaming in them. I'm also keen on #gm-advice and post about things that happened at my table. I'm also a fan of #TunnelsAndTrolls even though I don't play it often these days. Old school but not "OSR". All is subject to change.
#battletech #AlphaStrike #glorantha #Talislanta #boardgaming #savageworlds #callofcthulhu #gm #tunnelsandtrolls
@LeviKornelsen I write stuff for #TheFantasyTrip and #TunnelsAndTrolls.
#thefantasytrip #tunnelsandtrolls
There's a new solo and GM adventure out for Monsters! Monsters! from Ken St. Andre: "The Jungle of Jeopardy"
#rpg #monstersmonsters #tunnelsandtrolls #kenstandre
31) In reviewing my list, I realised I'd missed out a classic game that I bought in 1981.
"Tunnels & Trolls" was Ken St. Andre's attempt to create a fantasy RPG, and a very successful one. By the time I bought it, it was already on its 5th edition.
Any RPG book with 400 pages cannot help but look complicated on first glance. By contrast, the character sheet from The Lair of the Leopard Empresses is clear and reassuring. No clutter, but plenty of organised space.
#rpg #tunnelsandtrolls #monstersmonsters
Reading the PDF of Sarah Newton's latest. It's extremely well presented, clear layout, good use of colour and boxed texts avoiding clutter and confusion. Still, it's 400 pages long. Does any RPG need to be so long, especially one derived from Tunnels & Trolls, once the standard example of the short and simple game? With the current state of my brain post-covid this'll take a while to work through.
That said, the content looks terrific.
#rpg #tunnelsandtrolls #monstersmonsters
UK gamers interested in Sarah Newton's latest RPG might like to know that it's available to order from Leisure Games with a free PDF:
#rpg #tunnelsandtrolls #monstersmonsters
Another new Mythosesque RPG crawls into the light, using Ken St. Andre's Monsters! Monsters! rules: "Shub-Niggurath Always Rings Twice."
I know nothing about this one. It's the same publisher as the reprint of The Lovecraft Variant (which received some criticism for layout and presentation) but looks to be a completely original adventure with quickstart rules included.
#RPG #MonstersMonsters #TunnelsAndTrolls #Lovecraft #HPLovecraft #Mythos #HPL
#rpg #monstersmonsters #tunnelsandtrolls #lovecraft #hplovecraft #mythos #hpl