mnnk · @mnnk
127 followers · 126 posts · Server

is a special sense for me, and I actually record sounds for fun, so I am starting a new reading: "The . Our and the of the world"

I understand is a huge reference in , and I have never read a book on this subject, so it made sense to me to start with him.

#soundstudies #murrayschafer #tunning #sonicenvironment #sounscape #hearing

Last updated 1 year ago

Rich DuBose · @RDuBose
112 followers · 196 posts · Server

I’m getting ready to embark on an extensive recording project and am tuning my snare. So much in life is affected when we are not in tune! Being in step and in tune makes all the difference in the world.

#instep #timingiseverything #tunning

Last updated 2 years ago

Troton · @Troton
0 followers · 37 posts · Server
Monique · @MoniqueAC
156 followers · 44 posts · Server