let's take a moment to remember the awesome fact that for around 200 years, the lingua franca in colonial #brazil was not portuguese, but a variant of #tupi, i think known as tupinambá. it only became portuguese when a bunch of white ppl fought w a bunch of other white ppl and kicked em out of town, back in 1759.
tupi was a a widespread indigenous language before colonists arrived, whitey would learn it when coming over. later it was suppressed to the point of extinction. does this contract something of your assumptions in your mind? it did mine, and i like it.
#awesome #Indigneous #colonialism #tupi #Brazil
"Rikki and the Crescent Bow-staff"
Heyo, again~ After my first romp with this design, I thought to upgrade a few things about it.
New Bow-staff. Its tip is platinum-gold forged, meaning it's just as good as a DIAMOND when talking on combat durability.
It got a offensive boost, too~ Now I can channel spiritual energy through it and swing out C-shaped cutters.
Best for times I really cannot get a ethereal arrow out. ; V
#Amazon #Tupi #Tribal #Brazilian #Warrior #Femboy #Feet #Crescent #Cocoa
#tupi #amazon #tribal #brazilian #warrior #femboy #feet #cocoa #crescent
Nota para Eu-do-futuro y a quien pueda interesar: sobre a expansão #Tupi no Holoceno tardio.
SOUZA; NOELLI & MADELLA.Reassessing the role of climate change in the Tupi expansion (South America, 5000–500 BP) (2021)
MADELLA; MATEOS & SOUZA. Archaeological expansions in tropical South America during the late Holocene: Assessing the role of demic diffusion (2020)
CASTRO E SILVA et al. Genomic insight into the origins and dispersal of the Brazilian coastal natives (2019)
Imagem: The great Cayaman, a la Brochado (1984)
#Tupi : Création d'animation et de stopmotion
Comme tous les 3ème lundis du mois, demain c'est « Infographie Animée Libre » à la MJC Montchat dès 19h30 avec les étudiant(e)s de la licence @colibre sur #Tupi #LogicielLibre +d'infos https://www.agendadulibre.org/tags/ALDIL