#rejected by #NYT #SpellingBee as #notAWord but it #IsAWord #pitty #glinty and (from an earlier game) #tuple plus rejected but #shouldBeAWord (meaning "putting the dots on your letters" or "the collection of dots on the letters") #tittling
#rejected #nyt #spellingbee #notaword #isaword #pitty #glinty #shouldbeaword #tittling #wordsthatarent #onlinegame #nytimes #tuple
I’m delighted to hear #Tuple is still a going concern. I haven’t used it for so long I literally couldn’t name the company at which I did, but it did exactly what it said on the tin: low latency, high quality screen sharing and remote control. If I remember right, the audio quality was so good we badgered them for audio-only calls and then abandoned Skype. https://tuple.app/
#Python #noob question:
I get the technical differences between #List #Set and #Tuple but I can’t find examples where it’s clear that you have to use one of these, and can’t use the other ones.
Has someone an article or a site that helps me on this topic?
#python #noob #list #set #tuple