Yesterday my boss invited everyone in the company to a Christmas business dinner, and he brought us to a drag queen restaurant with a "dinner with show" where the drags danced, tell jokes, and sang. It was hilarious but their voices were too powerful, my ears hurt 😂. It was in a place called Turangalila in Valencia, Spain
#drag #dinner #chrismas #valencia #spain #turangalila
#drag #dinner #chrismas #valencia #spain #turangalila
#nowplaying #Messiaen #Turangalila #SusannaMälkki #OrchestredeRadioFrance #classicalmusic If you have never heard this #symphony before, Go to 1:08:32 in the video to check out the glorious #finale. The instrument you may not have seen &heard before is called #ondesmartinot
#Incidentally, this work is Messiaen’s answer to #Tristan&Isolde Have a listen & see what you think!
#nowplaying #messiaen #turangalila #susannamalkki #orchestrederadiofrance #classicalmusic #symphony #Finale #ondesmartinot #incidentally #tristan
Mastodon being new gives you great chances to (maybe) be the first to use a hashtag. I therefore (maybe) inaugurate #OndesMartenot in honour of tonight's (LOUD) performance of the #Turangalîla Symphony by #Messiaen featuring Cynthia Millar.
👉​ Do not frown, O retro instance, the Ondes is *worthy* --- it's a wild early electronic instrument! Check it out:
Technical lecture:
#ondesmartenot #turangalila #messiaen