Come anteprima del corso di Assembly per i processori x86, proviamo il classico gioco "indovina il numero" creato da un iscritto per MS-DOS con il Turbo Assembler della Borland.
#assembly #x86assembly #x86 #msdos #turboassembler
#assembly #x86assembly #x86 #msdos #turboassembler
Went to #HayeonWye today (not been for well over ten years, so it was high time for a revisit).
Did I pick up a slim volume of love poems or a well worn tome by Dickens? I did not! My attention was diverted by these beauties... #TurboAssembler
Incidentally, anyone looking for a set of #SparcStation 1 (3 volumes) or #SCOOpenServer manuals (4 or 5 volumes, I forget), there is a set of each at the Booth bookshop:
Not sure how often they recycle their stock, so hurry!
#hayeonwye #turboassembler #sparcstation #scoopenserver